(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 22:14

So, apparently right before I got home tonight, someone called from Hillsdale to see if I had any questions, and of course, the one time I have a trillion questions, I'm not home to talk to them. And they haven't called back. Poop!

So I got up this morning, finished my English homework, and then ate breakfast. Then Katy called and we met at Keva Juice (2 for 1 coupon! Yes!) and then we went to cause a ruckus at school. Actually, though, we hung out in English until class started. Wow, we're such rebels.

Anyway, there were poet lessons today. Yee haw. In the first one, we did a Mad Libs type thing and the following is my Mad Lib Poetry Creation:

I have eaten
the cactus
that was in
the forest
and which you were probably
for pants
Love me
they were awkward
so pink
and so glittery.

How fabulous was that? Reminds me of the poems Katy and I made during government over the summer. Anyway, after English was psych. Boring... I'm really not enjoying that class, and I think I might need to not major in psychology anymore. We'll have to see. Then forensics, where there were 8 of us. Mr. Chatigny had already told us we weren't doing anything, so we watched America's Funniest Videos instead. They were pretty funny.

After school, I went to Katy's and we watched How Do I Look on the Style Network. I highly recommend that show. We gossiped. It was awesome.

Thennn... I went to my Weight Watcher's meeting. Then I came home, watched some TV, ate some dinner, and went to the Y. I worked out for like an hour. I feel so good right now. Tomorrow's the last day of the school week. And I don't start until 11:45. Again...

Well, off to bed I go. Sometime soon, at least. I'm going to breakfast with Lauren, Ashley, Daniel and Steve tomorrow. Yay!
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