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Jul 26, 2006 13:06

The Basics of your personality.

Name/Nickname? Nara Xiehan K. Also goes by Piru, Pie, Afty/Affy, Ming, Moon (and various derivations thereof), Nar-Nar, Narita, Sachi, Turbo, Pengie Queen, etc. You name it and I've probably been called it.

Gender? Female

Age? I'm an adult. Will that suffice? :3

Zodiac? Cancer / Dragon

Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter? Preferably girl, but if you absolutely see one of the guys in me, then I guess I can't argue with that. :>

Favorite color? Why? Teal. It's a nice, soothing/relaxing color. And it's a mix of blue and green which are nice colors. I don't like blue as much anymore because it's everyone and their mom's favorite color and you find it everywhere. I do like green, especially to wear. Anyway, I like teal because it's in between those two nice colors. And it just... speaks to me? I dunno.

Favorite FF game? Why? Probably VII, because it just had the best story and the characters rocked. And it's what got me into video games.

Favorite FF Character? Why? Out of all of them, probably Vincent. He's dark and mysterious and broken-hearted and he just needs a big hug. ♥ Also, Sephiroth, because he's sexy in a completely-psychotic sort of way. I also really like Beatrix and Quistis because they're girls that kick ass and they defy traditional girl stereotypes. And Yuffie because she just rocks in general. Out of all of the main heroes (Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus), I definitely liked Squall best... I guess because I could identify with him most, and he wasn't annoying like Zidane and Tidus. And yes, I've only played VII-X.

Are there any FF Characters you dislike? For some reason, I always hated Selphie in FFVIII. I finished the game with everyone at LVL 100, except for Selphie, who was at LVL 15. *sweatdrop* I was also never a Seifer fan. I never cared much for Cait Sith, Red XIII or Kimahri; they really got the short end of the character stick, IMO. I never cared too much for any of the IX characters save for Vivi.

Hobbies/talents? Writing!, reading, drawing, painting, playing the violin, listening to music, watching anime, playing video games, fangirling over Suikoden, making web sites, playing around in Photoshop, chatting with friends, school (as a talent, not a hobby), arts, math, physics, technical theater. I spend almost all my life at school & extra-curriculars so what hobbies I had I've mostly had to give up.

What are your strong attributes? Patient and slow to anger. Very cool, calm, collected and level-headed (up to a certain point anyway). Gets the job done; reliable, studious, and highly ambitious. Workaholic; doesn't feel like a good person unless she's busy doing something productive. That's not to say she's always super-productive, but tends to feel really guilty when she's not. Mostly quixotic, but can surprise you with her down-to-earthness; optimistic and idealistic without being out-of-tune with reality. May seem introverted if you don't know her but is actually highly people-oriented; an utterly devoted friend who can be self-sacrificial to a fault.

What are your weak attributes? Soft spot for alcohol. Terrible at any kind of public speaking. High discomfort around strangers. Incredibly hard to understand if you don't know her very well. Can be extremely emotional (not in a dramatic/theatric/histrionic sense but can get herself way down in the dumps) quite frequently. Will do so without warning -- will randomly break down crying. Easily comes across as independent/a loner when really all she wants is to love & be loved in return.

Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic (often quixotic), but am prone to some moody/emotional/pessimistic spells. Especially where school and my family situation are concerned.

Extroverted or Introverted? Like I said, I don't do well with strangers, and I need to reach a certain comfort level before I can really be myself around them, so most people tend to assume I'm introverted. I'm pretty outgoing when I'm with close friends though.

Confident or Modest? Definitely NOT confident, hahaha. I'm pretty self-deprecating.

Mature or Immature? Definitely mature. (I have a hard time acting immature and relating to many people my age, though it does sometimes happen.)

Logical or Intuitive? Probably intuitive. I tend to value and act based on emotion more, although I do use logic when the situation calls for it.

Deeper into your personality

What are some things you love? Friends, family, penguins, sleeping, anything artsy, design, coffee, oolong tea, bubble tea drinks, smoothies, shopping (espec. thrifting), music of all sorts (modern rock, 80s, Asian pop, hip-hop; I seriously am not very picky), literature, learning, East Asian culture (espec. languages), swords, RK, Escaflowne, Bleach, other animes, Xenosaga, Final Fantasy, Suikoden ALBERT SILVERBERG, Katamari Damacy, other video games, electronics/technology, web design, computer animation, COLLEGE.

What are some things you absolutely hate and despise? High school, my father, potatoes, living in Texas, bigots, homophobes, people/cultures who are too stuck on tradition, female stereotypes, (most) cutesy things. Also, extremely snake-phobic.

What weapon would you use? Probably some sort of sword/katana. Cliche, perhaps, but I've just had this lifelong obsession with swords.

What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why? I know I'll think of something better later, but all that comes to mind right now is Fuuma (X/1999)'s ability to see people's greatest desires. I wouldn't want to use it for evil purposes/manipulation, though. I just want to make the people closest to me happy, and if I can in some way help fulfill their wishes, that would be neat.

If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why? A penguin, because they're huggable, can slide on their bellies, and just rock in general.

What are a few items you just couldn't live without? My PS2, my computer, LJ, pencils/pens/art supplies, coffee, books, music, friends... and toothpaste. I get headaches if I forget/neglect to brush my teeth.

Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why? A ton of friends and supporters, because love is the most important thing to me and it's the one thing money and power can't get you.

You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance? My sister took it, obviously.

You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it? Doing all of the things I enjoy most one more time, and spending it with the people I love the most. Taking the time to tell everyone one last time how much they mean to me. Maybe take a brief trip to some of the places I've always wanted to visit (China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia) if there's time.

Are family or friends more important to you and why? They're both really equally important to me, although if I had to choose, I suppose I might say family, just because friends do come and go, whereas family is forever. You can make new friends all the time, but you only have one true family that you're stuck with for life, so you better cherish it.

What is your most cherished memory? Why? I don't think there's one in particular. I have a lot of memories. The one that comes to mind is the day when my now-best friend told me that he truly cared about and loved me (as a friend), when I'd gone for months and months thinking that he hated me, or at least didn't care about me one bit. I still remember the exact date, haha. May 20th, 2001.

Would you die for anything? My best friend/the person I love most, yeah.

What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years? Either grad school or working as a designer somewhere.


What's your favorite pairing?! I was never as big on pairings in FF as I was in other fandoms. I guess Squall/Rinoa?

And which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Uhh.. Quistis, maybe? I am pretty much a nerd, after all.

Where did you hear about us? All over the place. I've visited the comm many times before, just never bothered to ask to be rated until now.

If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better: The cherished memory question was really a bit too tough and on-the-spot...



I'm 5'11" tall, weigh about 120 lbs. so I'm retardedly skinny for my height, have dark auburn hair (well, it's naturally lighter but I dye it darker) and hazel eyes, pale skin that burns easily, round face, chubby cheeks, big nose, long eyelashes, blush easily. I'm technically half-Asian but I don't really look it much.
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