The Basics of your personality.
Name/Nickname? Addy
Gender? Decidedly female.
Age? (No one under 13, please) 19.
Zodiac? Gemini!
Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter? Pah, no matter. ^_^
Favorite color? Why? Green. Because deciding between blue and green is like being told to choose between pizza and bagels. There is such thing as a pizza bagel… and green had blue in it. To make that sound less tragically silly, green is beautiful because it’s vibrant, vivacious, and it has such an amazing range of tints.
Favorite FF game? Why? Final Fantasy VIII. It was more geared towards the story line, which I enjoyed, and everything connected while still leaving room for questions. It delved into every character nicely, the graphics at the time blew me away, the score was gorgeous, the card game was obsessively fun, and, heck… “I dreamed that I was a moron.” Heh.
Favorite FF Character? Why? Blank, FFIX. I’m not entirely sure why. I’d say because he did something very noble; not only the act itself, but because it was something he had no real ‘reason’ to do, beyond his own moralistic outlook. And, he wore a thong. He was a major side-character, and yet, you still got a peek into his personality, as well as a short run of getting to play with him in your part. He had a very unconvincing Devil-May-Care attitude, coupled with a strong heart, and just enough of a blurry background to leave enough up to imagination.
Are there any FF Characters you dislike? Not… particularly. Even if it’s a ‘dislikable’ character, they usually have some element to add to the game. Since some characters are just plain fun to root against, you can’t help but love them in the end.
Hobbies/talents? Reading/Writing, Sewing, Fencing, Soccer, Languages (French, Japanese, German), Art in its many forms, making cake, hugging pillows.
What are your strong attributes? I’m intensely loyal to friends, and always available to listen to troubles and accomplishments alike. Extremely empathic, usually confident, easy-going, open minded, trusting, honest, and penitent.
What are your weak attributes? Stubborn, overly sensitive and easy to hurt or make upset, too willful, moody at times, recluse, opinionated, and unforgiving once I feel as if I’ve been truly betrayed.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic, all the way. ^_^b
Extroverted or Introverted? (Outgoing or Shy) Can be either, depending upon the situation, or even how I feel that day.
Confident or Modest? Again, it can depend, and I don’t think the two are that deeply related. You can be confident and modest at the same time.
Mature or Immature? Mature, but I’m *sure* I have my moments of shining immaturity too. We all are secretly six year olds on the inside. ^^;;
Logical or Intuitive? Intuitive.
Deeper into your personality
What are some things you love? The scent of rain, fireflies in July, waking up in a mass of pillows, the sensation of wind through your hair, finding the perfect son on the radio by accident, when friends smile, exercise, traveling to new places, being lost.
What are some things you absolutely hate and despise? Math. Eggplant. Math.
What weapon would you use? A sword. The most elegant and sleek of all weapons, an attachment of yourself, dignified and requires skill. Sword fighting takes your own personality into account, to make your own unique style for sparring. ^_^
What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why? I’d be able to stop time, without having to pause along with it. Just so I could enjoy some moments quietly, and more importantly… so I could get some extra sleep!
If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why? I would be a Unicorn, so I could prove to nonbelievers I was real.
What are a few items you just couldn't live without? My photo albums. ^^; And I guess that implies cameras, too! I’m sure I could live without them, but woe to my memory if not. It’s awful, so my albums are what helps refresh me to things I’d never wish to forget (and some that I would.)
Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why? Friends and supporters. Really, money and power are things people collect in order to attain happiness. But happiness is in sharing your accomplishments with people who care, who matter to you in return.
You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance? …I bet it got wedged between the couch cushions again. X_x! Who knew it even fit there?!
You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it? On Space Mountain. (Windy!) Drinking pink lemonade.
Are family or friends more important to you and why? Family are friends and friends are family. When it comes down to it, I’d pick family though, simply because they’re the people you can always relay on, and who you always hope can rely on you, too.
What is your most cherished memory? Why? Winning the gold medal in Australia, when my team just sprinted out to pile on top of each other in a mass of smiles and yells. It was such a free-spirited, amazing feeling of accomplishment… and despite all the difficulties we met, all of the cliques that were founded- in that one moment we were all just *proud* of each other.
Would you die for anything? Anyone I love, or someone in need of help. You wouldn’t push a five year old out of the way of a semi-truck?
What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years? Writing obsessively. I hope. ^_^
Extras...(and for all those fangirls or fanboys out there) What's your favorite pairing?! Hojeez. Cloud/Hair Gel?
And which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Not a clue in the world. XD; NPC #226??
Where did you hear about us? A friend who got stamped here. ^^
If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better: If you were a pie, what pie would you be? (Because everyone loves pie, and if you don’t, you have issues. And if you have issues, that helps narrow down what character you are! :D)
Now post at least (3) clear photos of yourself. If you really don't want to post any, or don't have any, describe yourself the best you can. ^_^