Sep 26, 2005 14:16
the thing is, i can't force anything out for you. i can't prove anything to you. all i want is to know god, and i'm so sad. i'm so sad. i can't give anyone truth, i can't even give myself truth. the truth doesn't come from me- i didn't create gravity, i can only testify to it. you see, i don't create truth, the truth isn't inside of me, it's something outside of me, it's something so beyond me and so above me, it doesn't matter whether we believe that gravity exists or not, because it exists without our consent. we didn't set the laws, we didn't lay down the dimensions, we don't create truth. truth is outside of us. no matter how much we can convince ourselves that we can fly, we'll always fall. there is no relative truth. the only reality you can create for yourself (convince yourself of) is lies and deception. this is the truth, i can't give it to anyone. i'm so sad.
i can't condemn or save myself- all my judgments of myself are subjective, not absolute, but prone to error and fault. you say it yourself, "i'm only human!" you've said it all your life, that you are imperfect and full of mistakes. but do you really believe it? because if you do believe it, why then do you judge yourself? why do you trust in your own judgments of yourself? and you might say, "well, i've never murdered, stolen, or lied... i'm a decent person, why wouldn't i go to heaven?" but you are wrong in that you even dare to judge yourself, and trust in your own judgments! you are full of fault, why do you feel you DESERVE to get into heaven? even if you were to condemn yourself and doom yourself, your judgment is full of fault- why do you trust in yourself at all? we weren't created to trust in ourselves, because trusting in ourselves over god is directly claiming that we are more trustworthy than god, and this is deception and delusion and the ultimate lie. we can not take care of ourselves, we can not save ourselves, we are only human! god is truth and can only tolerate truth- when you deny his perfect and absolute judgment and trust in your own judgment you are living in the delusion that you know better than god, that your judgment is more trustworthy than gods! if you say that you believe in god, consider carefully what it is you actually believe in!
i only want to know jesus, and what he did for me. he was subjected to such suffering, he was surrounded by people who hated him and plotted to kill him- yet he loved those very ones so unconditionally that he died for them. he died for the ones who nailed him to the cross, can you imagine the love? if it were us, we would be full of hatred and resentment towards them for not appreciating our good intentions. but christ died in love for us, can you imagine the hurt he felt while he was spit on, and beat, and killed? have you ever tried to help someone, or did something nice for someone and they didn't show any appreciation, they didn't care, they even reacted to your nice gesture in anger and hatred? did you get angry and self-righteous in turn, or did you feel genuine pain not for you but for that other person's state of being? do you even know what compassion is, have you ever felt it? it's something bigger than you, it's something that doesn't concern you because you're wrapped up in concern for only that other person! oh, i want to know it. i want to know what it is to be thankful, i want to be full of appreciation and thanksgiving, over my salvation, and full of praise and love for my savior. it's so beautiful, this love! this love is the ultimate romance, this love everyone speaks about and wants and even some of them claim to have, but if it's not in jesus than it's a lie- and can anyone turn from themselves, and reject themselves for god?
i'm so sad, and i'm so sorry. i want to share it with the world, but i can't give you the truth. the truth isn't inside of me, the truth isn't of me. only god can give you the truth, and only god can give you understanding of anything. ask and you shall receive! this is a promise. it is not his will that any perish, but will not force anyone- and knows the need of the anti-god, the cost of free will. he knows our choice, so sumbit to his knowledge before yours.
in order to get those precious good fruits, the weeds which grow inbetween are allowed to be(let the weeds be until harvest, lest when you pull them you pull out the good fruits before their time also) for a time being. for a time being, and we are the salt of the earth, the good fruits which are letting the weeds be and grow, as long as we are here, preserving the world and it's weeds from being destroyed, until harvest. a parable, wow. it makes sense. to get to the good, the ugly must be for awhile too. the anti-god is completely necessary, for free-will, for a real relationship with our creator, for true-love to occur, it's all according to his plan. he loves us so much. do you know of this love, where, everything else compared to this love is considered dull and dead and empty in comparison?
if you claim to have love(why do you trust in your own judgment and feelings on love?), do you also claim to be faithful, honest, never lying and all-knowing? all our love is selfish, which should not be called love at all! but the love of god is true love, is truth and light and life, is selfless in that jesus died in your place, he was subjected to god's wrath in your place so that you might be saved- this is selfless and unconditional. and only by god can we know love. don't pretend that you know what i'm saying. i'm sorry, ask that you may receive revelation. i can't do anything.