My trip....
Got up at silly-o'clock and picked up
simonsatori &
morbidfrog for a delightfully easy drive to Standstead. Parked with a 'friend', if your a friend flying from there and need car parking there, ask me for details. Got a lift to airport and met loads of people in the queue for the plane. New silly OTT regs mean no liquids over 100ml and they must be in a bag, so drinks have to be bought at airport prices, also had to remove boots. Plane was good and easy. Coach from Altenburg, was again simplicity and dropped us at the main station / HAUPTBAHNHOF. Had a brief wander round the station area to pick up postcards, pen and a spot to eat. Tried a Currywurst from a sausage stand. Hoping it would be a spicy sausage. Lady took a bratwurst and ran it through a chopping machine, covered it in ketchup and then sprinkled curry powder on it, server with a roll so i could reconstitute my sandwich ! Taxi to Hotel (Prodomo) which while out of town was amazingly close to a tram stop so made things easy. Was a double room with a single bed. OK and clean if a little run down. Nice friendly staff and while not perfect English they managed to understand me and help with a few bits.
Met up later with Simon & Cecile and a few friends and wandered out for dinner. A nice peffer schnitzel and some swartz beer (dark). Most people headed off for an early night, which may have been prudent, but not me. I got directions from the gang to the Sixteena absinthe bar and the MORITZBASTEI and went for a walk. At the MORITZBASTEI i wrote some postcards and was wowed by the amazing venue. Sixteena was quiet but still met a few people before heading off for a Taxi round 1-2am.
Got up for breakfast at 9am and then headed back to bed for a lazy late morning. Headed into town via the tram and got a day ticket (E5). Did a bit of shopping, was too hot, went back to change. Met early evening again with Simon & Cecile and a few friends to head to WERK II to get ticket and wristband. Alas they didn't do tickets, so thanks to some help from a friend Ali (?)i jumped on another tram and went to the AGRA, got a ticket, got a wristband and got a tram back to WERK II and met up with Simon & co. at the tram stop...The queue was substantial !
Then i went onto the old station microbrewery place(BAYERISHCHER BAHNHOF), where the UK/USA/AUZ yahoo meet-up thingy took place and met some real nice people. A top couple from Brighton,
Sadgoth from the most awesomely useful UK WGT site there is and got a set of bonus info/program flip cards (top score!). Also a guy Mike Saga handed out some DJ mix CD's in excellent Retro geek styling...5 1/4" floppy discs (see pics), so i've got a load of music to listen to (will do copies for people if requested). Also mention should go to a nice German lady Eva who did the organising and was very helpful on translating and stuff.
After i wandered with some Auzie and Americans to the MORITZBASTEI, which seemed to rapidly becoming my second home. Met more people and drank and partied until i got kicked out as it closed round 6am, tried to find food, but burger king was closed (not my choice) and i ended up at the Sixteena again and drinking champagne with an Auzie girl called Amaya who i became a shoulder for and finally helped with her boyfriend into a taxi as she was somewhat incapable of walking. Bed was 9am after breakfast.
Slept late and finaly got out and went via the MORITZBASTEI to have a look at one of the markets. Nice folk style music playing and a sausage or two were obtained for snaking purposes before heading on down to the AGRA. Got there and checked out the huge goth market, but its rare i buy anything at goth things and with the hangover/sleep thing was a little too whimsical to actually buy anything. Did some people watching and ice cream eating before meeting up with Gerry & Valleri and the Swiss entourage (Fiona, Seline, Delphine and a few others). Sat outside during Das Ich due to long queues, apathy and good conversation, walked in for half a song on Sigue Sigue Sputnik which were down to just Martin Degavile and backing and i had an offer to be dragged off for some folk music at the Medieval encampment. Got there to see the end of a lively instrumental band that sounded top. Got great beer in cool ceramic mugs and wandered the market a bit, swearing to come back. Saw a rather good Hungarian band which were something to do with the moon and the hare (IIRC) and had a great female main vocalist, with a good rhythmic sound. The ear plugs were useful as the drums were a bit overpowering though. Back through the camp-site scamming the security guards as it was a quick cut through, confidence and gall. Saw Blutengel (D) (very good show, reasonable music, would see again) & Paradise Lost (GB) (not my scene, poor stage presence) and drank a fair bit of Met (honey wine, not mead though). Went with Gerry to the darkflower which was interesting if a bit bleepy that night. Saw some of the meet-up crowd though which was nice. Then went to the MORITZBASTEI which was quieter, but had a good chat and chill with Gerry until 5am.
An earlier start, though i skipped breakfast and headed out for lunch round 12ish to the MORITZBASTEI, I was going to go to the Agra and the medieval market and would have if company in the form of Gerry, Valleri and Selene hadn't persuaded me otherwise. A nice baileys ice cream Sunday also did the trick. Gerry & Me then went to the PARKBUHNE for the afternoons entertainment. I had my camera with me so most pictures are from this day. Saw End Of Green (D) (Not my style of music, and boring on stage, standard metal), Escape With Romeo (D) (Great performance and good keyboards, almost like some Depeche Mode, but more bouncy), End Of Green (D) (Not my style of music, and boring on stage, standard metal), Jesus On Extasy (D) (Great, Awesome Performance, Cute Guitarist with a wicked playful smile, Want to hear again. Oddly the lead singer reminded me of
dj__twisted), Gothminister (N) (Good stage Presence, fun show, Ok music), The Skeletal Family (GB) (Fair, driving guitars, but the singer sounded a bit flat)
Also met up with Ade, Ant and more UK people which was nice.
Went off to the Agra as the park was an open venue and closed early. Caught Coventant (S) (great, Excelent stage show, bouncy music, shame it was so full) and Another Band that I forget who they were but were either a secret or unheard of or something....Anyway other stuff beconed. Had some drinks and chat and headed in a big group to town and then the MORITZBASTEI, which was ok....I then headed to Darkflower again briefly and the Sixteena which can be cut through to. A quick snack and some more beer and chat and it was the wee hours and not much point going home, so switched to soft drinks and talked to a nice local german girl (ann-julian) and a portugese lass (rodeana) who i'd met the other night and was chasing details of a new friend of mine. 8am and a tram back to the hotel to grab my bags
A burger king stake sandwich meal and i caught the bus and plane with the bands Claudia Pavonis,and also Rubella Ballet, who weren't at WGT, but the Gothic Pogo Party, so this festival also has spin offs ! A sleepy and hillarious bus journy included stopping by a sign advertising sausages with a girl with a barbeque in her bedroom and a bloke tied to the bed...Many comments ensued. I also saw Skeletal Family and Sigue Sigue Sputnik in the airport lounge and heard some interesting converation. I also saw FOTN landing and getting off the plane ! Flight was uneventful as i had to sleep sometime. Drove home and got ambushed by Mister Jones my kitten....
monochrome_girl also popped by to wash her car and saw me in a very sleepy state. I crashed and had a lazy evening before an early bedtime.
A top break....So wished i could have stayed for Sunday/Monday as i left so much fun behind and i was really starting to get into the swing of things. Lots of left friends and some interesting music and i'm sat in an office, well at least i have air con ! I'll definitely be back, hopefully with more confidence in the language.
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