Title: Draw
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 06/100
Pairing: Alan/Margaret
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas Numb3rs
Summary: She was beautiful.
Previous chapters:
Idaho and California SeriesNotes: 100 words!
lillygGraphics (size, and artist):
She was beautiful, Alan thought, with a crown of white and pink flowers and her dress, flimsy, nearly transparent. The draw was made by an old friend, few months before their wedding. Alan caressed the image of his beloved Margaret with his thumb and one tear blurred the lines made by the pencil.
“Dad, are you here?” Charlie’s voice came from the living room.
“I’m in the attic, will be down in a few minutes.” He looked at the picture one more time and hid it. He wanted his sons to see it but, just for now, he would be selfish.