Title: Poker
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 03/100
Pairing: Charlie/Colby
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas Numb3rs
Summary: Some rewards are good!
Previous chapters:
Idaho and California BoysNotes: 100 words!
lillygGraphics (size, and artist):
One day, after a dinner, they decided to cuddle on the couch and talk. To Colby's surprise, Charlie didn’t speak mathlish everytime. They talked about games, movies, music. They’d found something they both loved: poker. They decided to play a game. Charlie made two lists. The first described the points by winning hand. A pair, two points etc… The second was a list of rewards. After 10 rounds, they counted the points. If one made more than 71 points, the reward was chosen by the winner. Charlie won with 112 points.
He said, “Now, we can make-out on the couch.”