Fwd: [neos_alexandria] Hermaia Propulaia (G), 9/22/2009, 12:00 pm

Sep 15, 2009 19:56

Ha! This festival actually fits in nicely with the Temple Zagduku
calendar, which simply reserves the equinoxes for "shamanic work" or
the equivalent. We wouldn't specifically dedicate it to _Hermes_, per
se, though; perhaps Ningishzida as the nearest equivalent, or one
could argue that most of us would do this function with Ereshkigal or
with our own ilu or ishtaru.

Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:02 PM
Subject: [neos_alexandria] Hermaia Propulaia (G), 9/22/2009, 12:00 pm
To: neos_alexandria@yahoogroups.com

Reminder from: neos_alexandria Yahoo! Group

Title: Hermaia Propulaia (G)

Date: Tuesday September 22, 2009
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 5
days, 23 hours, 57 minutes.
Notes: "Before the gate" - a time of boundaries between life and death
as we head into the winter months. A day of introspection when one
searches out their soul and life for things that have become stagnant
and outgrown, but which we cling to out of a longing for safety and
security. Set up an offering embodying those things to him on the
outskirts as well as a gift of mutton for Hermes and the spirits.
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