Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness

Sep 10, 2009 17:57

Recent rantings from Christian Looney-Tunes misrepresenting Paganism and the occult:

More evangelical foibles in Texas where they also manage to work in football (10/25/2009). You gotta love where the author, who is not the evangelical fruitcake, expresses doubt that Pagans or Wiccans have used the park by saying "the police had no reports." What if it were "Some say Evangelicals have been using the place for worship, but the police have had no reports."?

Linda Harvey on Witchcraft and Harry Potter (Linda Harvey is the author of Not My Child: Contemporary Paganism & the New Spirituality, an evangelical fear-mongering tour de force. (via The Wild Hunt).

Anything by C. Peter Wagner

Objective report on the resurgence of Satanic Panic. Very cringe-worthy. (kudos to The Wild Hunt).

This blog post ("Separation of church and state is a myth") doesn't touch on the occult, but the thinking in it is so disordered that I had to quote it:
As Christians, we are subject to the laws of God (Romans 13). We are to submit to the governing authorities because apart from God there is no governing authority. Therefore, under God’s authority laws are established and rules are set in place. It is expected that citizens of any nation obey their laws and their elected officials because according to God’s plan, those in leadership are put in place by him to lead. This ties directly into the “separation of church and state” theory because it clearly contradicts the intended law of God.

This isn't just illogical; it is psychotic. Or maybe it's just postmodern, or an attempt to (further) destabilize Christianity from within.
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