it was ammusing, just do it too, cuz its ammusing. lol

Dec 30, 2005 21:10

Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?: yes
Toilet Paper someone's house: no
Played Poker with money: yes
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: maaaayybee....whats it to you
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk: yes...damn that Billy. lol
like someone but never told them: Yes
went camping: yeah....sorta...
had a crush on your brother's friend: lol, HELL YES...ANDREW IS HOT!!!...well was
walk in the rain without an umbrella: Yes
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: dont tell jokes
been in a talent show: Yes...unfortunatly.
started laughing at someone's bedtime: no
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of: Yes
been to a nude beach: Nope, and lets keep it that way
drank jack daniels: yeah, not what i thought it would be
cursed in a church: lol, once i said "JESUS CHRIST" as we were walking out
been called a slut for kissing someone: yeah, but only by close friends in a joking manner
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:on my head...
wanted to be a police officer: yep, but isnt that like 90% of kids child hood carer dream?
dumped someone: yeah, i fell bad about it now, he was a nice guy too
been hit on by someone too old: yew...yes "hey, you could modle for playboy" sick old fogies
wanted to be a model: wanted to be as skinny as them, but they are to high maintnece for me personally
bought lottery tickets: HELL YES!!, i could TOTALY win
made out in a car: *sigh*...yeah, to some i would rather not think of
cried during a movie: i got teary eyed in Titanic, but only cuz Jack died, and he is just WAY to hot to die
wanted something you couldn't have: Yes
had sex on the beach:no...not yet least wise, lol jkjkjk
had the drink sex on the beach: randomly, i beleive so
seen someone shoplift: yep, saw them get caught too, that was even more ammusing
hung up on someone: Yes
yelled at you pet: yeah, i always feel bad after wards and pet them
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: omg, that is SOO embarrising...but he was EXTREEMLY gay, so didnt matter much
tried to strip when drunk: lol, not going to answer that
gotten seasick: never been out to sea
had a stalker: yep
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: hell yeah
been embarassed by one of your family: YEAH
felt bad about eating meat: just a vegitarian cuz its fun..DUH
protested:lol, hell yeah, THOSE were the good old days right there
been to an island: not in the real world
been in love: SHUT UP
ate jus because you were bored: Yeah, i reckon so
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww": lol, yeah, i think hairless cats are adorable
Screamed in a library: Not yet
Made out with a stranger: does knowing him for 4 hours count?
Been Dumped: well as of tonight, its kinda looking so....(if you know what i mean *sigh)
Wished a part of you was different: HELL YES, are you fucking mad to even ask that retarted question
asked a guy to dance:nope,to shy
been asked out by a really hot guy: its allll in your definition of hot, but id say rich was pretty good looking
laughed so hard you cried:yep, who hasnt?
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: yep, gave them a hug too
been sunburned: yes, and 5 months later i still have the tanktop strap marks...BAD burn
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: yep, but only once
threw up in school: yep, and it was a close one to the bathroom too...woulda felt bad for the janitor...ew
recieved an anonymous love letter: naw, not really....
had to wear something you hated: who hasnt?
been to a luau: cant say that i have
see your ex and wanted to kick his ass: yep
cursed in front of your parents: yeah
been in a commerical on tv: No
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: well...if i am considering this 'now' my ex, then yes, if not then no, not really...only kinda...I DONT KNOW!!
been out of the country:yep, Italy and Canada, fun fun fun
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk: lol....sadly yes
won at pool: yep =)
went to a party where you were the ony sober one: yeah, its no fun, AND i had to be the designated driver...that was even shittyer
went on a diet: yep
been lost out to sea: like i said, ive never been out to sea, let a lone get lost
cheated on your bf: no, sorry, i dont cheat. Ill tell you if i like someone else first
been cheated on: yep, but it was actually a good thing, cuz i didnt like him anymore anywayz, i was jsut to afraid to break up with him
tanned topless: lol, yeah (not that i can really tan anywayz)
been attacked by seagulls: cant say that i have...had a bird shit on my head once, THAT was funny
been searched in an airport: duh, its called security
been on a plane:lets think about this....ive been to italy but NEVER out to YES...idiot
been de-pantsed: nope, close, but i got quick reflexes
thown a shoe at someone: lol, yeah, hit them in the head too
broke someone's heart: i dont think so....
sung in the shower: lol, as much as i like to sing, yeah i have
bought something way too expensive:like EVERYTHING i own, lol. life and the world should be free
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: everyday of my life
been walked in on when you were dressing: yep
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie: lol, dont go to scary movies unless im with someone that is gonna get A)just as scared or B) that can 'protect' me
been kicked out of the mall: i walked...well ran out before they had the chance to
been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back: yeah, unfortunatly more than once
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: only had one, wasnt even there for 3 min.
done something stupid when you were drunk: do we REALLY have to ask this Q..i mean, its me, OF COURSE
fell off your roof: close, but thats why they created gutters to hold on to
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: =)
had a deer jump in fron of your car: no, but it was standing there and wouldnt move
threated someone witha water gun: lol, yeah, but all in good fun
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: yeah, im better at it than i'd personally like to think about
sing: nope
open your eyes underwater: yeah, unless i have my contacs in, then that just hurts like a bitch
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: nope
ice skate: i suck at it, but its fun like once a year
sing in front of a crowd: well..if i cant sing, then i obviously cant sing infront of a crow'd...shesh...these questions
whistle: yeah, im better at it somedays than others
be a bitch at times: most deffinatly
do thirty pull ups: cant even do one
walkin in really high heals: i can try
eat super spicy foods:nope, but when i do, the coolest thing happens to my tongue, i get like this HUGE crater over most of it and it gets all spotty and so does the rest of my mouth...idk, they call it a geologic tongue
skateboard: i wish
sleep with the lights on: yep, used to be afriad of the dark lol
mulititask: welcome to my life
touch your nose with your tounge: my sister can, but i cant
fall asleep easily in the car: like a baby
do the cotton eye joe: whats that?
play ddr and not fall:ddr?
surf: i wish
fit in your locker: maybe...never tryed...probably to fat though
do a split: close....
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: deffinatly, pepsi baby, alllll the way...ew...coke...unless its diet
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