Akuma has converted to Ceiling Search

Aug 10, 2012 07:27

Akuma has converted to Ceiling Search, a photo by redhead.samurai on Flickr.
We have a roof light in the kitchen, through which Akuma can watch Search work in what's going to be my craft room. Fascinating.

Why aren't I working in my craft room?
During the whole moving house business, I started noticing a weakness in my right hand (couldn't open water bottles at first attempt), later that arm would fall asleep during the night while I wasn't even lying on it and then finally, my pinkie and ring finger went cold and numb while I was at work.
The next day (July 17) I went to see my GP and next week Tuesday (Aug 14) I'll have an EMG to find out whether I have Carpal Tunnel or Ulnar Nerve Compression.
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