September 5, 2009

May 06, 2013 20:29

On Labor Day weekend of 2009, I was bringing Matthew a sandwich from Jimmy Johns after mass because the party I had that weekend canceled. As I was getting out of my car I saw a black cat butt go into the bushes. I remember thinking, "who is this?" As I have an extreme love for black cats. I talked to him and got him to follow me. He rolled over onto his back for me to rub his belly. I brought him down to the apartment and instantly gave him water. He was emaciated and weighed all of four pounds. I asked Matthew to keep him entertained so I could go to Kroger to get him food. The poor thing was so hungry he tried to eat Oyster crackers. I quickly ran to Kroger and brought back food.

He ate quickly and got upset when he started running low, I fed him more. I made him a bed outside the apartment so he would have some place safe to return to. However when I got into the shower he apparently kept talking to Matthew from the screen door. When I got out of the shower Matthew told me not to be alarmed that he was standing beside the door. He had let the small cat in and he was checking out the apartment. Soon after I went to Walmart to buy a litter pan and more kitty items.

He moved in and we named him Gumbo, he was our sweet black cat with a skunky belly. His first night he came meowing through the apartment I put him on a pillow next to me and he purred so happy to be loved. We loved him, fed him and took care of him even after finding out he had Felv.

Today though, after 3 years 8 months and a day.. Felv finally took over. And my husband, Matthew, had to take Gumbo for the worst. We could have put him in the hospital and started blood transfusions, but that wasn't realistic. My heart aches. Matthews aches. This is harder than I imagined. But. This too shall pass. Someone wake me up when it does.
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