Update on Membership Stuff...

Jun 26, 2007 19:09

If you have been recently approved, please be sure to read through the most recent mod posts that may have been posted before your arrival.

The rest of this post is directed at those NOT in the community (yet?)...

Some of these items are going to be in bold, red writing because although we have said it rather clearly before, people insist on asking anyway. I don't mind answering questions, but when we have to stop and answer ones that we have ALREADY provided you with the answer for... it takes time away from getting through the membership queue... kind of a no-win situation, eh? So maybe big red font will make a difference. :-)

1) If you have not yet received an "accepted" or "declined" notice from LJ... you are still in the queue. Seriously. Stop asking. If you haven't turned off any notifications from LJ... you WILL get a response one way or another.

2) If you aren't sure if you applied, and you have NOT received a notification... feel free to hit "join" again. It doesn't list you twice, and we have the email notifications turned off (for our sanity!), so it does no harm to click it again.

3) We have no idea what order people entered the queue. I really wish LJ had various sorting options, but they just list it alphabetically. The alphabet has been split between the mods, some of which have more time restraints than others.

4) The status of the membership... coincidentally, as I type this... we have exactly 600 members. There WERE about 1800 people in the community before the purge. I would say we've probably declined another 250ish? And there are still over 500 people in the queue. We seem to be getting anywhere from 50-100 new additions to the queue every day. So just as we make progress... *sigh*

WHAT WOULD HELP... is 2 main things...
1) READ THE PREVIOUS POSTS ABOUT WHY YOU MAY BE DECLINED AND TIPS YOU CAN DO TO AVOID IT!! This was the first post and has the basic reasons and then this was the second post that gave some more precise tips. I'm sorry we can't give you specifics of what to look for, as these ARE all public posts (although this subject HAS been raised in the past very specifically). But READ it. Don't assume you know what we are saying, actually read it again, because most of the declines and subsequent comments we get related to #3 on the first post... seem to assume we are saying something JUST about the community name... and we aren't. (Here's a hint... if it was just about the comm name being mentioned... you'd be banned, not declined)

If you follow the tips we suggest... you'll see the same things we see. Trust me, we aren't spending an hour a person here, so if we can find it in under a minute... so can you. And it is much faster to approve people than decline them (as the declines we have to keep track of and note specifics, so that when you comment about it... we can tell you) - so we really want to approve you.

2) STOP APPLYING IF YOU ARE NOWHERE NEAR THE REQUIREMENTS WE STATED. You're just wasting everyone's time. We've said you have to be active on Live Journal. Friends Only is NOT an issue or concern. But you need to be active both in your own journal and in Live Journal in general. If you have a 2 year old journal with 0 entries and 5 comments posted over those 2 years... you're NOT going to get in. Be realistic.

We are treating everyone equally and fairly and that means we do not care about your excuses or reasons. I know that sounds harsh, but you were out of the country, or in grad school, or aliens abducted you... everyone has an excuse or reason their journal isn't active. We don't care. This is not a life-or-death journal (wellllll....). You are more than welcome to wait until your circumstances change and reapply once you've had a chance to get more active.

I'm closing comments on this post, as we'd rather keep all the comments in one place. We've been screening comments as they are dealt with, or because of specific things that have to be mentioned, but there are over 5 pages of comments and answers there. So please don't think just because you see very few answers there... that we've been ignoring people. Some we left public as we thought the answers might help others. By all means, continue to leave comments or email us with questions, but if you ask me again if the reason you were declined was because your journal was "friends only" - it will be. ;-)

(I apologize for the length, but I thought if there was a cut tag... it would get ignored)

- public post, !mod post: older posts, !mod post

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