Oh, it's just been one thing after another this week what with the house moving stuff, my devotion to the Church of Eurovision and pjc50 throwing his copy of this at me so that my research looks approximately 100% more intelligent and not like I'm spending my time buying American E numbers and crying into awful documentaries about awful things in other
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I'm a whole day early putting this up on account of steaming through this week's editing mountain. Today has been brought to you by incoherent rage at crap news pieces and finding a South American internet radio station that's fullof80sRight, angry people in the 80s, you say? Have some more book words. I'm 75% sure there's more of Chapter 2 and
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Alright. I've sent off the short piece to my writing teacher, written a suitably Pseud's Corner author bio, so shut up and take my words before I change my mind and angst about it all again. Contains rude words and that.
Hoo boy. Pain in my shoulder from weightlifting and headweasels set to 'chatter unhelpfully'. Looks like it's another late shift on Word for me. CurrentearwormstimeA friend has been encouraged into creative writing and I promised I'd write something more substantial than a Facebook comment. I've written more frivolously about the NaNoWriMo slog
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The first edit is done. Oh yes, it is done, and with my editor. Having spent a fortnight doing nothing but prodding the thing, I sat down and did a bit of number-crunching on it.
Well, we got back from Edinburgh yesterday after a fraught rainy drive in which my husband learned how to download Spotify playlists so he could interrupt Foxtrot with CHVRCHES*. We've had a massive lie-in, ploughed through some of the food my parents weighed the car down with, and we have our first Hogmanay drink of a Fog Cutter with all the
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- Discuss the shooting location for Modern Love with a Twitter pal who's a massive prog nut (Shepherd's Bush Tube station, incidentally
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