Mar 14, 2010 06:11
After I finish the pimp post, I never want to code ever again. Seriously. NEVER AGAIN. I just spent around 3 or 4 hours uploading, coding, and writing about BB videos and albums. All that's left is Baby's post (I put it off for some reason), and content for the full BB post. I need to update the member posts a bit. OMG I only have one day left. *cries*
I swear, the only thing that's carrying me through this is the fact that it's almost done. I've been working on this monster on and off for around 3 weeks now. I want to get it DONE. NOW. PLEASE?!
I've decided not to post upload links to my Big Bang discography. Anyone on my flist can request them from me anytime, but I don't want to put them out there for everyone (I believe fully in file sharing, but I also believe very much in supporting the boys).
(Random aside: stupid infomercials, making me want to buy what they're selling... And hey, that lady lost 365lbs! That's fucking amazing!)
Okay, now I have to sleep! As confusing as Daylight Savings Time is to me, I like that there's more light in the day, and that finally I'm back on a 12 hour time zone different from Taiwan. Makes things easier.