Settling Down

Feb 28, 2015 09:34

I think my trouble with posting here is because I feel like I have to write about everything that's happened to me since my last post. I have enough trouble putting my thoughts into words but I also want what I write to be impressive or at least interesting. I also have lousy memory for details. All of that ends up putting me into a sort of panic state when the great big empty "New entry" box glares at me.

So I change that now. I hope. Okay, I'm going to work really hard to change that. I'm not sure how to do it so I'm just going to start somewhere. This will be a work in progress. So here goes.

And the mind goes blank. Deep breath. Relax. Okay here goes.

Last month hubby got released from the doctor and the physical therapists and is free to do any activities he was doing before the accident. Also, my mom got released from the heart specialists because the medication wasn't helping and they feel trying any procedures would be too risky for her condition. So that meant I could get back to life as usual. I felt like I'd just been pulled out of the ocean and left on the beach.

But I'm getting back to life as it was, sort of. I think I need to make some changes though.

Okay, that's enough for now. My head is spinning.

health, personal, blogging

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