Coming Around

Dec 28, 2014 14:20

Hubby is healing really good. The doctor told us it would take three to six months. It's been about two and a half and he's able to do things and get around almost like before the accident. His endurance is still way down but that'll come back up now that he's able to do some exercising.

My mom's health is kind of a little roller-coaster right now. On top of the A-Fib she's got Congestive Heart Disease. My sister and I flew out to help her a few weeks ago. Since I got back home I've been calling her almost every day. Now I found out she's not telling me stuff. One of my other sisters, who lives out there, said mom has only been taking half of her medicine and she's propping herself up with pillows to sleep. She's supposed to let the doctor know about that right away. Argh!

Christmas was just another day this year. We didn't decorate. No snow. My son dropped by and he was wearing shorts and flip-flops! Winter is supposed to be cold and snowy!

I found that weight I lost back in October. So frustrating.

health, personal, family

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