"You are watching Eureka...

Jul 21, 2012 03:01

"Part of SyFy Powerful Mondays!"

Seriously?!?! Um, not anymore...JERKS!!!

I'm still shocked they actually played that little promo during the final episode.

*calms down*

Okay, so I really just wanna say a few things about the finale...
  • The moving guys coming in with the new order for moving them "today" instead of in six weeks. *giggles* Is it me or are the writers taking jabs at SyFy?
  • Holly wants to catch up so she can feel sad about the Eureka being closed down too. Knod to the new watchers. And more jabs at SyFy?
  • Zane: "Theoretically" Jack: "I hate that word!" OMG! Me too! And that's exactly what makes Eureka the PERFECT Prime Time Network sci-fi show!
  • Jack jumping into the wormhole and seeing the flashbacks. Plus bringing back "forgotten" characters from throughout the seasons. Win!
  • Jo proposing to Zane. Dammit, I cried!
  • And the final segment... OMG! Seriously, all of the OMG-ness had me struggling with sadness and anger and happiness and other feelings I don't know how to name.

SyFy, you are blowing it big time here. But I know you don't care what I think because I'm not in your demographic. Oh well, the feeling is mutual.

BTW, sucks for you because my demographic is now THE demographic that television NEEDS to wake up to and start caring about. I am your ONLY demographic that is still hooked on serial fiction airing "live" on the ancient media known as "television." And by the time all'o'y'all start factoring in the "other" viewing sources, well, yeah, that 2.54 kids per family thing was history a generation ago!

Oh, and you know what else SyFy? I'm really glad you changed the spelling of your channel because now I can talk and type and think "Sci-Fi" as it really should be. Pbbbbt!

ranting, tv: eureka, fandoms, media

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