No Sun + No Sleep

Mar 25, 2004 10:59

At this point in time I am operating on a mere 0 hours of sleep since 8:30 yesterday morning, so bear with me.

I'm walking back from the dining hall where I have just eaten brunch, and I notice a strange orange glow cascading over me. I look up only to see a girl strolling along with the most hideously unnatural tan in the history of unnatural tans. It looked as if a two year old took an aged orange magic marker and colored this girl's face with it. Not only was the color just completely, repusively wrong, it wasn't evenly distributed, and I could see where whatever liquid formula she used for her tan congealed and left "water marks." I'm currently looking into whether or not I'm at risk for radiation-provoked diseases.

I'm starting an interest group here at BC to counteract the racism perpetrated against my people by the AHANA (African, Hispanic, something else, Native American) interest group that gets preferred acceptance, financial aid, free summer school, preferred housing and a slew of other benefits due to their "oppressed minority status." Needless to say, my group, WWWWW (Whites, Whites, Whites, Whites and Whites) will attempt to restore a bit of racial equality in the college experience of Boston College students.

As I sit in my political science class today, preparing for a class after no sleep because of my paper escapade, eager students are filing into the classroom, anxious to finally hand in our 15-20 page paper on the balance of power worth 50% of our grade. One girl proudly announces that her paper is 36 pages long. Now, the majority of the class went over on the limit, myself included with a healthy 23 pages, but 36 pages made her paper on average 1.33 times the length of the rest of the class. For those of you who are not mathematicians, that makes the average paper of the rest of the class a mere 2/3 of superwoman's paper. Needless to say I wanted to stab her in the neck with my pen. So I did. Problem solved. Pretention no longer plagues the ranks of that class. As far as my grade is concerned, I'm expecting the same B+/A- grade I've gotten on every other assignment I've done in that class, but hoping that a combination of her fatigue at having read thirty 20+ page papers and her gratitude for having killed of 36 page girl will give me an advantage in the grading process. My fingers are crossed.


"Don't let your dreamers grow up to be dead men..." -Every Time I Die
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