Title: Five Four Things That Never Happened to Jim and Pam Fandom/Pairing: The Office (US), Jim/Pam Spoilers: various eps from seasons 1 and 2 (sort of) Summary: Jim and Pam are meant to be.
1. Oh my god, you wrote Jim and Pam! This makes me very, very happy.
2. I loved it. Both Jim and Pam were perfect, the dialogue was spot-on. And, maybe, just maybe, I might have gotten a little teary at part 4. But, he gave her his vacation time! sniff. Oh, and Toby in part 1? Cracked me up.
I LOVE the US Office. fearlessfan told me to watch it and I'm so glad I did because JIM AND PAM!!!!! They are the closest I've ever come to having an OTP. And I'm so glad you liked the stories! (And thank you for commenting on the Toby bits in 1.--I love how he always "misses" all of Michael's company outings and wanted to do something with that)
They are the closest I've ever come to having an OTP.
This is SO TRUE. While I've had favorite pairings in other fandoms, I've never had a true OTP, but Jim/Pam is IT.
And while I love everyone, Toby is my favorite of the "secondary" characters. His deadpan delivery kills me every time. And when he ducked back into the office, instead of going to the dojo to watch the fight - hysterical!
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I totally enjoyed these!!
2. I loved it. Both Jim and Pam were perfect, the dialogue was spot-on. And, maybe, just maybe, I might have gotten a little teary at part 4. But, he gave her his vacation time! sniff. Oh, and Toby in part 1? Cracked me up.
This is SO TRUE. While I've had favorite pairings in other fandoms, I've never had a true OTP, but Jim/Pam is IT.
And while I love everyone, Toby is my favorite of the "secondary" characters. His deadpan delivery kills me every time. And when he ducked back into the office, instead of going to the dojo to watch the fight - hysterical!
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