School's great, two weeks left! Woohoo! Have many rants surrounding that..
..but LJ, I must admit that I came back for one rant only...
Michael Gambon as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Gambon admits to not having read the Harry Potter novels and says that this is because he does not want to be upset by an extremely large change or death in the books.
I would like to quote Severus Snape (portrayed WONDERFULLY by Alan Rickman ahhh! have my babies!! or.. well.. you know what I mean!) as he says in his wonderfully nasal and disconnected voice. "OB-viously" So THAT'S why you're so bad! You don't even know what you're supposed to be portraying! If you don't want to be upset, don't take the role!!! That's part of ACTING is learning about the role you are to fill and then portraying it! You can't take something as popular as this and do what you want with it!
Similarly, he has also stated in an interview that, when playing Dumbledore, "I don't have to play anyone really. I just stick on a beard and play me, so it’s no great feat. I never ease into a role - every part I play is just a variant of my own personality. I’m not really a character actor at all..."
Not a character actor basically means you're not an ACTOR!!! You are obviously wrong because YOU are NOT Dumbledore!!! People have tried to excuse it by saying that everyone has their own interpretation... but you aren't even TRYING!!!!! And your hair isn't even right, so you're not even "sticking the beard on" right! it's supposed to be silver gray down to your waist... long enough to tuck in your belt. And whatever happened to his twinkling baby blue eyes? You don't have that twinkle or the patience and the mysteriousness of Dumbledore. You seem angry and harsh, and I don't like your eyebrows.
Gosh, I could go on like this for awhile... but I won't...
Oh by the way, did you know that the kid who plays Dudley is named Harry? How very interesting...