Haloween scavenger hunt

Oct 15, 2008 15:45

Minasan Konichiwa!

now that that's out of the way, it's that time of year again.  time to for another hol-o-the-ween scavenger hunt! you know you want it.  anyways, we have a few bits of stuff to dicusse.  The first question to be posed is wether or not we should make this an ACDF event and post it on the boards.  I would personaly like to do this because I think it would be a cool way for us to introduce the ourselves to some of the newer people.  of course people outside of the ACDF could attend as well.

also, I just realized that I will have to be late to this thing.  I have a show on Friday the 31st, so I won't be able to join you guys untill 10:30 or 11.  Because of this, I will volenteer to be the judge again this year.  I would need help getting together a list of stuff to look for and some one else would have to initiate the hunt, but at least this way I can participate... in a manner of speaking.

anyways, give me some feedback and stuff.
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