Dec 08, 2007 09:24

So I did it....


Got my grades in today, so I know I passed the last of my classes. An A in mutual funds, B, in negotiations, and B+ in international mgmt to be exact. It is so awesome yet so weird at the same time. I catch myself going "oh yeah I don't have to go to school today.....or ever again for that matter" or "I don't have to study this weekend". All that suffering over the summer school classes was worth it. This week though has been something else...quite a test indeed. Tuesday I get an e-mail from the school saying they took away a scholarship they never meant to give to me so I owed them $1,200 by saturday or I couldn't walk. So they inform me about that on my final final day so that is more stress than really needed that day, and all I can think about is my poor mom not getting to see me walk. Then thursday I was a dumbass and got into an accident. Luckily the guy was really nice about it and there was no horrible damage to anyones vehicles. Then yesterday it took 2 hours of waiting at the bank to straighten out the money deal for school, but my patience paid off and I was able to save some money on the loan. Really though it would be nice if everything went just right this week for graduation.

Still no new job, lots of looking and applying, and a few investment companies in Austin have shown interest but had to move to someone else who was able to start immediately. I can't start until I return from San Francisco after the new year. If nothing really great comes up then I'll just finish out my lease here (end of june) get a paralegal job in Austin, and just enjoy my dream of living in the hill country until the right finance job comes along. That way I would at least be living in Austin.
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