May 08, 2009 19:28
It's a miracle, really. I survived my wisdom tooth surgery on Monday just fine (considering) but had to be rushed to the emergency room on Tuesday at 4am because I had the worst headache of my life. Caused by the swelling in my head, I'm sure, but the Vicodin wasn't helping so we thought it would be best to see a doctor. Risk of stroke, etc etc.
I loved this hospital. This is the hospital where I basically grew up, the hospital that saved my aunt's life multiple times -- it's really great. Apparently, not any more. Tuesday was a nightmare. I didn't know this beforehand, but they've started hiring out foreign staff. After waiting for what seemed like forever in the waiting room (which never happened before) I'm brought in, given an IV, blood tests, all that jazz. The doctor asked why I had my wisdom teeth out "Is this something you do in your family?" with a look on her face as if saying "Why in the world would you want to do that? What are wisdom teeth anyway?" Even after my aunt explained that I was in pain and my teeth were crowded, she didn't seem to understand. I'm taken in for a bunch of CT scans, and before she even is given the results, she asks for a lumbar puncture (hammering fucking needles in your spine) to be done. Uh. I have no stiffness, no sign of meningitis, just a headache and swelling. NOT TO MENTION I have scoliosis, which I think can be dangerous to try a lumbar on? Yeah right, lady. It wasn't just the doctor, either. My nurse had to be flagged down before she would check up on me, and made me wait another hour to get discharged because she didn't take out my IV. She was also one of those people that I hate that ask if I'm deaf, or retarded, and if I understand English.
I keep thinking about the poor souls that trust their doctors and let them do whatever they say. It just makes me mad that so many people probably go through a lot of unneeded pain and probably get taken advantage because they believe their doctors to be all knowing, great people. Uhggg. I'm not saying that there aren't some great doctors out there, but that you should always get a second opinion and trust your own judgment.
I was released, but my blood test results say I have an elevated white count and it's recommended I see another doctor to get some antibiotics. FUCK NO. The only doctor I'll let exam me now is Nurse Jun with his riding pantyhose from my icon. D< Too much antibiotics as a kid is what put my teeth in the horrid condition they're in now, anyway. ;__;
But yeah, I'm doing lots better now. Hopefully next week I can eat solid foods. ♥ June 3rd I have a meeting with my adviser to pick out classes. Yay~