(no subject)

Jun 17, 2010 02:37

I have a few things to post about today.

3.5 months till the wedding.  October 2, is coming up wayy too quickly.  We have booked the DJ, and done a lot of odds and ends.  I spent just under 200$ and hired a Wedding Coordinator.  She is cheap because she just started out, but by the time my wedding comes up, she will have done 5 weddings.  So I am sure she will be a little more than worth the money.

I am currently weighing in at 278.  I started Metformin today and I was quickly reminded why it sucks, and why it is so great. I am taking 1,000 mg a day.  For those who don't know I have PCOS.  It is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, basically my body makes too much testosterone, stops periods, causes insulin resistance issues, and I begin gaining massive amounts of weight.  The metformin stops from allowing the sugar being absorbed.  This means everything is pushed through my digestive system quickly to avoid sugar absorption.  To save everyone the dirty details, I can spend a lot of time in the bathroom if I eat wrong at ALL.  AT ALL.  I mean, too much sugar at one meal/snack and I can be in the bathroom for 20 minutes.  For the next week until my cravings change, I am going to have problems.  But it means... only good things.

School is going well, and I am looking forward to the fall.

Elijah is healthy, and that is important.  However he is still not speaking well.  Which isn't good.  I have to keep in mind that he's healthy, but at the same time I am so afraid he may not speak.  We had a evaluation done, and he is now 8 months behind on his speech development, and before he was only 4-6 months in December.  Frustrating, because all we do is talk to that boy.  He also is not holding connections with people, by looking them in the eyes.  He exhibits 7 markers for autism, and 3 requires an evaluation.  We are going to go through 1-2 months of speech therapy and reassess the autism markers, because they may change.  He isn't eating well, and really isn't interacting well with me at all.  Its just so frustrating.

I want to be proud of the mama's in the April group and on my friend's page who have kids around the same age.  Their kids are talking in major sentences, they are pottying, because they can talk.  Elijah can't talk and express his needs, except for juice. So we can't get anything from him.  I want to be proud of them, but at the same time I am jealous.  I am jealous that they can understand their kids, that their kids understand them, and express themselves. Somedays I hate myself, because maybe I am doing something wrong, or have done something wrong.  Or I just am not doing enough.  
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