Rules for h_h_ooc, the OOC comm for Hogwarts Hocus.

Oct 31, 2010 16:01

Our sandbox has rules.

We're aware that OOC communities can become a huge source of drama and disruption in LiveJournal-based RPGs. We don't want that to happen in ours. As such, we're laying down our expectations clearly from the outset.

1. h_h_ooc is only for OOC planning and the stuff that has been regularly going under an OOC tag on Hogwarts Hocus.

Stuff that falls into this category and is okay/encouraged:
Hiatus notices, fanworks, and the occasional "Song to describe your characters," "Wanted characters," etc. are okay. Open calls for large/group plots. (Note: Posting "hey, anyone want to RP with my character so-and-so?" is too vague and too individual to qualify. Just post an open RP in the comm if that's what you're after :) This space is intended to facilitate plotting that's broader in scope.)

Stuff that falls outside this category and is not okay to post in h_h_ooc: Trying to start a vendetta against another player or fandom. Just wanking. Random fansqueeing (whether related to H_H or maybe you just really liked last night's episode of a TV show/ a new movie that just came out/ a book or comic/ etc.)

2. Let us reiterate the last point about fansqueeing. This comm is not for random moments of fangirling your favorite canons or for fangirling one another. We believe that kind of activity only causes wank. If you want to pat one another on the back, send friendly e-mails or something! It doesn't need to be a public show. If you really want to proclaim your love from the highest mountaintops, we do occasionally post "love memes" that provide a drama-free space for mutual admiration.

3. If something looks like it is going to cause friction or blatantly goes against these rules, it will be deleted by a mod, no questions asked. Don't assume we're angry at you if we delete something like that. We're being pro-active. If you have questions about something deleted, please e-mail the mod team.

4. Questions about the game should still be e-mailed to the mods or posted in the OOC questions entry in the Headmistress' journal, not posted to the OOC community.

5. Same goes for suggestions: Post them to the Suggestion Box, not to the OOC community.

6. NO FLOUNCING. Flouncing will also be deleted. If you want to leave the game for whatever reason, it's your business, but this comm will not be a vehicle for your drama.

7. No advertisements. That includes advertisements for other games (unless we've agreed to make it a sister game to Hogwarts Hocus, in which case we will post something about said game ourselves. In the history of Hogwarts Hocus there has only ever been one sister game, and it's now defunct).

8. Be civil if you can't be nice. Not that we're trying to make this all sunshine and sugar, but it sort of follows with the "no wanking" rule. If you don't want people to be a jerk to you, don't be a jerk to them. It's as simple as that.

ooc comm

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