A week well spent

Feb 28, 2015 22:27

I've had a week off from work. I needed to use up the holiday I have left, but also because I really wanted one. I haven't had a week off since Sept. It's been a good week. Not overally eventful, but still really good. Here's a video describing some of what I did.

image Click to view

And here's the written version.

Sunday: Tidied my bedroom and bought food.

Monday: Spent most of the day writting and drawing and then choir in the evening.

Tuesday: Met up with some of my friends in Bath, which we hadn't done for ages. We went to the cinema to see Big Hero 6, which is really good. We spent the evening in our favourite pub, The Hobgoblin playing Braggert. An awesome card game where you tell stories of your heroic deeds based on cards you've drawn.

Wednesday: Hair cut. Nothing exciting, but I needed it.

Thursday: Went to Bath again to meet Sarah and see The Grand Budapest Hotel at the cinema. I'd seen it before, but Sarah hadn't and it's really good.

Friday: Decided to go to Glastonbury randomly just to look round. I went to the remains of the Abbey and did a little shopping in Clarks Village. The only thing I bought was a new dress.

Saturday: Visited Nanny Spearey. She's 90 in a months time. Her minds still as sharp as a pin though.

And tomorrow I'm back to work. Boo! But some how my two days off next week land on Mon and Tues so I'm only back for a day. Cool!

Now I'm currently watching The Lord of the Rings movies. I may be beaten for saying this....but I prefer The Hobbit movies. It's true!

Currently Reading: The Man in the Rubber Mask by Robert Llewellyn

friends, life, movies

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