Happy July 4th

Jul 04, 2003 10:05

Yet another historic occassion for the US in general, though from what MSN.com says, July 4th has only been a national holiday for a few decades, which also ingnores the general fact that the Constitution wasn't even ratified on the 4th of July. Oh well, at least it stands in good form; I guess that's all that matters really.

So here I am at work. I thought I might be working on installing 305 new 2.0G Dell PCs, but the RIS process with the PCs didn't work out as planned (go business team for stalling forever, and then dumping the work on tech, as usual). So since that isn't going to happen, I have a whole lot less work than I thought I might. What does that translate to? Less work for double time pay. Too bad I can't curtail the taxes on that money. grin.

The drama with Steve is apparently still brewing. I'm at a stand-still with it, and don't feel like pursueing it since I don't think it was my fault to begin with. Nancy, Cindy and Lewis have all been rather pointed at admitting that this whole incident is prolly stress induced, and isn't related to the reality we all say hello to on a regular basis (at least some of us, thank you very much, lol). Oh well, I hope time will produce a little result in this matter.

On a brighter note, Legadon has reached the level of 50 on the EQ server Tunare. Go rangers! I am even working on his epic item, and made a few friends in the process. It came to pass that we were all standing on the same spot waiting for the same NPC to spawn. We eventually quested together, and passed a difficult part of the lengthy epicquest.

Actually it all started when he despawned the NPC I was waiting for, apologized profusely, and offered 100pp as compensation. We eventually laughed and agreed we were glad to stole my NPC, cuz he made friends from it and both gained experience in the quest itself. How funny! :)

It's just a shame my new friend accidentally deleted the Earth Stained Note thinking it was part of some dumb Bat Quest. In good faith to keep us at level parts of the quest I offered my assistance to redo that last hard part. I hope to talk with him again sometime during the weekend and get things working again.

On other news I got a call from the Nevada Highway Patrol. Apparently they'd like to talk with me sometime next week about a possible position. I have to admit I'm totally floored and quite excited at the prospect. Prolly shouldn't be writing about this here, but it's in confidence, so it should be ok. I've already been thinking about a lot of the things I'll say, traits I'll emphasize, and things of that nature. I hope my angle won't be mis-taken; I more importantly hope that I don't get stupid and nervous while there; I really need to shine on this one to make it happen. I'm sincerely hoping for this one; it could be a blessing on many levels. Go my team?

Also on another lighter note, tomorrow, July 5th, 2003, will be my 4th work anniversary with my present employer. Admitedly, there won't be a big party and such, but I do receive a bunch of vacation pay, and if the NHP comes to pass, I can cash out that month of PTO, plus my 2 weeks notice, and walk out with 240 hours of cash. Frankly, I would be speechless with all the cash, yet saddened at the idea of leaving. I mean, doesn't the prisoner even miss his cell mates after such a long time? LOL. (No obvious implications there, just using analogy!) The people here have been great to me; patient, giving me chances to grow, etc., and I feel I've returned those opportunities in full and then some. So I feel quite satisfied with that, yet feel constrined financially, which I'm concerned about. That would be the only real reason for leaving--and ultimately isn't that good enough reason? I've seen those stupid "top 10 reasons for leaving a job" and how all the managers tote, oh look, see number *8* is the money part; all the other 7 reasons above have nothing to do with money! Like they think we are idiots or something. Oh no, yer right, we have no reason to worry about money--its only the reason we keep showing up the first place...!!?? *gives obvious eye rolling here*

But I digress. I have a great boss; great crew to work with. I have the confidence and trust of many of the managers here, and I honestly feel like I've made a positive impact both in the people I've helped hire, but also in the people I've helped support both within HR and with Tech Services. Everyone knows me; most like me, and only a few may have some resentment towards me, and I consider those few lacking in all graces including the power to do anything about it. So I can't really complain. I wish we all had a little more corporate backing, but ultimately, they're corporate. They aren't there to make friends (which is too bad, since they are in an ideal spot to do so) they are there to make money. Or save it. Or cut back on it. Or even deny we even have it so they can buy huge corporations and then boast how kewl they are, but they how bad money is again because of it. Like we should have to suffer for their (lack of) decision making abilities. *again, insert eye-rolling here* Maybe Dilbert was right all-along. :)

Anyway though, I have one more small bit of news to share and then I'll wrap up for this post. The VA called for Lewis yesterday; they asked if he works, which I pointely reminded them he is on medications which don't mix well with employment or driving for that matter. I told the gentleman I'd be glad to drive him either Tuesdays, Wendesdays or Thursdays if that'd help at all. He agreed, and offered July 8th, at 3pm at the VA Hospital. I did mention this was for Lewis' re-evaluation for disability compensation. I really hope they figure out that, by their own hand, they prescribe him drugs which render him unable to work, and that without them, he needlessly suffers from a back injury related to the military service he was providing at the time. In both scenarios, we have a situation which is unacceptable. I hope the VA has the wisdom to see that; I've already conferred with my Dad a bit on this (He came up to Reno a few months ago and talked with Lewis and gave us specific recommendations about how to approach fo re-evalatuation and things of that nature) so the course has been plotted. Let's hope we get there in one piece, as expected. ;)

Ok, that's all for now. I love long posts, and should prolly due them more often. I am still at a toss to keep this journal private amongst my circle of friends, or if I should make it known I am making one of these LJs. I've passed my info on to Nancyleg, and await her response. Whatcha think Nancyleg? I like having private entries; maybe I could mix a few private with a few public to keep the fray down. Hmm.

Anyhow, that's all for now. Thanks for reading.


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