Supreme Court ruling...

Jun 28, 2003 14:20

Well let me just start off by stating that I'm not what I would qualify as an activist. My personal belief is that the louder you chant your message, the more likely people will just tune off. Is this the best way to get problems solved? Probably not. Is it the only way to get problems solved? Most definately not.

Perhaps it's the patient part of me which quietly advocates things, and then sits back and watch things unfold. Rarely do I actually broadcast very personal bits of information about it to other casually; I may broadcast quite a bit of information, but I censor, by in large, a lot of what I may say to others.

Yet when they become curious, start to ask questions, I'll answer honestly. I won't lie about things, and I'm a firm believer in Alanis Morisette's "You Ask, You Learn" motto. If you didn't really want to know, don't ask. No, really, don't ask because once you do, you'll get the whole hand. *LOL* (inside joke)

Well anyhow, I got the chance to review the Supreme Court ruling just released yesterday regarding Texas' sodomy law. What a very interesting case, and normally I would reserve myself in how I react to this, but today I indulged myself and began reading the entire opinions of the Supreme Court regarding this.

I have to admit I find myself quite pleased with this ruling. Frankly it talks about the illegal and unconstitutional nature of the sodomy laws within last 4 remaining states which still hold this law to be true. It openly criticizes how the liberty to have consentual mature adult relations between two people should absolutely NOT be regulated by any government institution. Furthermore, it admits prior rulings had no real basis, except for an obvious biased-sense of morality, which has no place in the law books.

In this information age, we have all had a growing sense of loss of privacy; this court case brought a very bright light to a very dark and personal topic: sexual privacy. As citizens and as consenting mature adults we have an inherent right to life, liberty, and sexual freedom, to happily consummate our relationships as we see fit, free from the confines of 17th century morality, free from government regulation, and with the rights, priviledges and liberties given to all.

Separation from church and state is a legal and necessary inevitability. Protecting the citizens from unfair and unnecessary regulation is the founding reason this country was created. Let's not forget--it is the primary reason our founding fathers (and mothers) created this great nation.

It is my hope that this ruling will set the precedent for future Supreme Court rulings which will proudly and clearly declare to the nation: Men and Women have equal and inherited rights to celebrate their personal and intimate relationships as they see fit; it is not illegal to consummate your relationship in your own privacy; it is a liberty which is granted by the Constitution of the United States of America, by the United States Code, and even the Bill of Rights. In their spirit, they all vehemently protest discrimination, dehumanizing and demeaning policies based upon moral and secular beliefs which seek to give liberties to some, and openly deny others.

Below, I've pasted the ENTIRE court ruling, including the 2 dissenting opinions. Yes, I know it's long, and I'm sure there is some other way of doing this, yet I'm new to this, so bear with me.


EDIT: I found another version of the ruling in PDF format. I've placed it in my yahoo briefcase. You may see the entire ruling here:


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