Title: I Couldn't Help Myself
Pair: JunDa, bits of KoKame, KameDa friendship, DenDen friendship
Genre: Romantic, Fluff, idk(?)
Rating: R-18 EXPLICIT MANxMAN SEX SCENES (If you are bothered by it, don't read it and do not spread hate)
Disclaimer: I only own the story
Summary: A strange happening three years ahead the story makes Ueda wonder something about his relationship with Junno. Another happening occurs once they go out for a normal drinking night. What will happend between them? (I suck at summaries, so just read the story xD)
Author's notes: Well, this is my first time posting one of my own stories and not a collaboration, so I feel really so unsure about it...
I want to tell you first that I am not a professional writer nor a professional artist, so sorry for cheap drawings. Especially for sex scenes I had to help myself with other manga or doujinshi I know (thank you, sensei!). I want to add another thing I previously mentioned, that is to say that my scanner won't work so all scans are done with a phone app, so if they are kinda cheap, it's because I couldn't do more than that. Anyway, please enjoy the story and let me know what do you think of it!
If you have problems reading it from here, tell me and I will upload it on MediaFire too!
So said, enjoy the doujinshi!