Alien invasion and how VCU scared the crap out of me!

Sep 07, 2011 12:49

Last night, Todd and I went to Bowtie Cinemas to see "Attack the Block", which is a suspense comedy, based on a gang of UK hoodlums, into drugs, guns, etc. Aliens attack and they end up having to save the block. The movie was awesome and hilarious so you should all see it.

All that's beside the point though. I watched this movie with Todd, then came home and did homework and relaxed. In other words, I didn't actively think of it again.

I tend to have very vivid dreams, full of details and information that I can often recall later. I'm able to mostly remember a dream I had early this morning. There was an actual thunderstorm happening at the same time, so that probably added to the dream.

I dreamed that my mom, sister and I were at my mom's townhouse in southside and there were bombs flying through the air and dropping all over the place. (In "Attack the Block", the aliens arrived like bombs dropping AND there was thunder outside, so I'm sure both of these added to my dreamscape.) All the lights were on in the house and the curtains were open. I remember moving around the townhouse, trying to close curtains and turn out lights. I was trying to convince my mom and sister that we should be hiding in the dark.

Suddenly a bomb flew through a window, sending glass everywhere. I was in a different room, and I heard my mom and sister both scream. I ran into the bathroom and yelled for my mom to bring me the bomb (it looked like a tiny rocket, like what was used during WWII). I opened the bathroom window and pushed the screen aside. The bathroom window was tiny, so it was pertinent that I get the large-ish bomb through the window before it detonated. My mom came running into the bathroom, while I'm screaming for her to HAND THE BOMB TO ME and she threw it at the window. She missed and the unexploded bomb fell into the bathtub, directly below the window. I quickly grabbed the bomb and saw that it has broken into pieces. Lucky me! It was a dud. The bomb did not detonate and we survived, but I don't know how. I woke up then.

Today, in math class, we heard VCU testing their emergency system. Their alarms sounded like air raid sirens, so my mind sort of panicked. I immediately recalled my alien invasion/WWII dream and got a little nervous. Then, a classmate explained that VCU had announced the test on the news and it was okay. I missed the news yesterday, so I wouldn't have known.

Talk about scary!

attack the block, alien invasion, vcu emergency alert

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