Your opinions, please

Nov 08, 2009 00:37

OK, here's my dilemma; I work for a retail chain where I have two bosses; one directly above me and one lateral to that boss but without as much power over me. I hate my direct boss; she's manipulative, uncommunicative, unpredictable and moody. A former co-worker wants me to work with her at another store where she's the boss. I know I'd be happier without the stress but here are my pros and cons and I want to know what you think.

~A long commute involving highway travel so I might not get to ride my motorcycle to work as often; this is a major proprietorial issue.
~I wouldn't be on a first-name basis with the customers any more.
~I would miss all my other co-workers
~I can't talk to my direct boss about my feelings because she's been historically apathetic about my feelings.

~I would really enjoy my new direct boss

You see my problem; I'm debating whether or not working with my old friend would be worth a major shift in my daily life.

Another option might be to alternate between the two stores; two or three days at each per week.

What are your thoughts?

bitches and hos, work

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