Glorious Tuesdays but I need coffee anyway.

Nov 03, 2009 22:20

I don't know what is going on with me. I talked to my MD Friday morning and he changed my anti-baby nuggets to a type originally marketed in Europe to treat adult acne. I've been on my old ones for almost ten years so these new ones better work! He drew one million gallons of blood from me and he's running all kinds of tests. I still have every hypothyroidism symptom and I hate it! I told my nurse that I didn't start drinking coffee until I was diagnosed with this crap because I'm so tired all the time. She gasped like she didn't believe me. Stupid luck.

In better news; every morning so far I have woken up at a good time and opened all the curtains on the front of my house. The cats seem happy and relaxed. I'm almost unpacked except for two half-empty boxes.

I paid a friend to apply a tabletop epoxy resin to the top of a wooden cabinet Todd inherited from his grandmother so we can use it next to the pedestal sink to hold our personal junk. She did a great job; it looks really nice.

I can't wait until Christmas. I love decorating for Christmas and now I have a whole house and a bigger budget! Woot!

hypothyroidism, bitches and hos, nesting

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