Abject begging...

Jan 29, 2010 12:59

Ok, folks. There are two days left to post fics for the Intercomm challenge.

As of today, the current scores at rh_intercomm have Djaq DEAD LAST in the standings. I have about 1500 words of my own to post, but that may not be enough to move udontknowdjaq ahead in the standings. :(

So this is me asking...no, in fact, BEGGING, for people to submit drabbles, short fics, ANYTHING!

If you need a bit of inspiration, HERE BE PROMPTS!

It's basically too late for this comm to do much better than 4th place, but a late push could definitely get us there! As incentive, consider this. This comm has the fewest entries of any of the other comms competing in the challenge. That means there's a good chance all the fic here will get read, reviewed and voted on, and an even better chance that most of the fic will place high enough to make it to the next round of voting! So, if you want your name (and Djaq's) in the bright lights, this is your chance!

Djaq was perenially underappreciated and underused on the show. But give how AWESOME she is, we ought to be treating her right in the fanfic universe!

Djaq deserves better.

mod post, intercomm

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