Fic: The ABCs of Being Djaq

Jan 26, 2010 20:33

Title: The ABCs of Being Djaq
Author: roh_wyn
Word Count: 500 (5 x 100)
Rating: PG
Characters: Djaq, mentions the gang, Marian
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of BBC and Tiger Aspect. The legend belongs to all of us.
Notes: Based on a constrained writing exercise from my creative writing class. The idea is to write drabbles for prompts that start with the letters A through Z, with each of the drabbles beginning with that same letter. There are twenty six of these (naturally), but I'm posting them in small batches for rh_intercomm to avoid spamming!

Summary: Djaq introspects her way through the alphabet.


Alone at the edge of the stream, she finally allows herself to cry. Her wrist is burned, but it is the pain in her heart that sears her.

She had trusted him, believed him, believed in him. But Robin had failed her. He had put his vengeance, his ideals, perhaps even his king first and had not come to save her.

She wipes away the tears and resolves it will never happen again. Until now, she has been his friend, but no longer. Now she will be only his soldier: loyal, obedient, indispensable. She will never be left behind again.


Before she was an outlaw, long before she was subjected to the indignity of soldiery and slavery, she had been a noblewoman. She was born to a life of wealth, one where others waited on her and did her bidding. But there were walls too, cages of propriety and custom, where sometimes even thoughts could not escape.

But here, among these crude and unwashed men, there are no walls, real or imagined. Every voice is heard and honored, and as Djaq lies down for the night, she knows coarse wool and dirt make the best bed she has ever had.


“Christmas!” Much exclaimed. “Isn’t it grand?”

Djaq smiled indulgently at him, and began to wonder about all this Christmas business. She knew about it, of course. It was the day the Christians commemorated as the birthday of their Messiah.

The gang celebrated the day helping villagers. It had been bitterly cold the past few days, so they spent their time handing out food and blankets, and Little John and Will talked to them, helped light their hearth fires. In short, it was no different than any other day for Robin Hood and his men.

Perhaps every day is Christmas then.


Djaq recovered from the shock of her brother’s death quickly. She did not rent her clothes or beat her chest or wail to the heavens as was expected. The women of the neighborhood clucked their tongues, thinking she was masking her sorrow with feigned courage.

They were wrong, of course. It was not her sorrow but her elation she was hiding. It was not her brother who had died that day, but Saffiyah-frail, meek and unable to protect those she loved. Djaq-brave, clever, infinitely courageous-would live on forever. It was her solemn duty to make sure he did.


Everyone in the camp can feel it. Robin barely manages to conceal his irritation with Marian, the newcomer who has already stepped on far too many toes.

She looks contrite, and as a peace offering, she offers to help Djaq with the evening chores. They sit by the water’s edge, each absorbed in the task at hand, and Marian is so silent that Djaq regrets bringing her here. But at length, Marian’s mood ripples like the surface of the once-calm stream, and she launches hesitatingly into her question.

“Will you show me, Djaq? How to be one of Robin’s men?”

author: roh_wyn, character: djaq, rating: pg, intercomm, cat: drabble

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