Happy Groundhog Day!

Feb 02, 2006 21:03

So, it has been a slightly long week......

Friday-->Well of course I had class, which I can deal with since I only have two on Fridays anyway. After class Kymmie and I went little shopping for SAI! That was fun. We started out at Michael's and ended up going to Hallmark to get a book and then back to Michael's to get stickers. Then we ended up at Hobby Lobby to look at more stickers and found gifts for our littles. After leaving there we came back home and I changed my clothes and Alex came over and picked me up. That was nice because we went to see a movie and went out to dinner, something we don't do often. We ended up seeing Hoodwinked (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443536/). At first (as in the first like 5 minutes) I was like, what am I seeing? Then I decided it was good. I enjoyed it quite a bit, even if I did figure out the ending. After the movie we went to Steak and Shake for dinner. It was fun.

Saturday-->Got up mid-morning and helped Kymmie and Jackie try to get a washer out of the basement, after deciding we couldn't do it alone, we got Alex to help us with that one. Once it was outside we woke the other two boys (Andy and Pat) up to help get the other one out. Once they were loaded into Jackie's Matrix and my Jeep we took them to the junk yard. That was a new experience, but we made $18! That was exciting. Now we have decided to save aluminum cans and take them there. After that I came home and packed to go to OU for the night. After the exciting UD vs. X game I left. Driving to OU wasn't that bad, well except the guy going 40mph the whole way on Rt. 50!! Oh well. Once I got there Jenny took me to eat in one of their dining halls. Then, we went to the OU vs. Duquesne hockey game with her friends Beverly and Andrea to hear her other friend, Nick, sing the national anthem. He actually did a very good job. We then stayed for the first period. We then went to OU's little coffee house to hear a band, who never did show up while we were there, and played three games of Euchre. The first Jenny and I lost miserably (0-10) and then we won the next two. After we were finished with that, we went to a praise and worship time held by Campus Crusade. Then Jenny and I went back to her room and talked and looked at new and old pictures. It was a good time.

Sunday-->Jenny and I got up and went to church with Andrea. It was a good message, made you think. I saw Chris Free there so that was exciting since I hadn't seen him in forever. I also got to meet his girlfriend Jenna, she seemed really nice. I also learned that her brother goes to UD. After church Jenny and I went to eat lunch at Bob Evans. I got 1/2 a sandwich and a cup of soup. It was good. After lunch I drove Jenny to the Ping Center and I headed home. I stopped in Chillicothe to see my family, so that was exciting. It was so good to see them. I forget how much I miss them when I am gone. Mom told me she needs me to come back home and bring some female hormones back that there is too much testosterone in our house. After hanging out with them for a couple of hours, I headed back to UD. I got back in time for chapter and then after chapter Jackie and I walked to Chipotle and got dinner to bring back home and eat. Then we all hung out in my room for a while and just chilled and talked while Jackie worked on SAI pledge stuff and Kymmie worked on her book for her little.

Monday-->Classes, not too exciting, except I got sick. Sunday night I wasn't feeling well but I was mostly just cold and couldn't get comfortable. Well when I woke up Monday I was burning up and achy. Well I needed to go to MUS 104 so I could see how others were doing their listening maps and I had no choice but to go to CMM 111 because I had to give my speech, which went fine. But by mid-morning I was shivering and aching more. So during lunch, Alex made me come home and lay down. I ended up falling asleep for 2 1/2 hours, sleeping partly through one of my classes, which I would rather miss one class than be sick longer and miss several. Well I went to my last class of the day, Scuba, luckily it was a classroom day, not a pool day. After class was over, Alex and I came back here and started to watch The Incredibles and I fell asleep again, sleeping for another 1 1/2 hours. After I woke up, Alex went back to his room and I took two Aleve. Those two Aleve knocked whatever was wrong with me out of me! I was relieved since we had formal rush for SAI, I was fine by then. I AM A BIG NOW!!!!! YAY!!!! I LOVE my leetle, Ashley!! She is awesome! I have the best family in SAI, I love them all from Schwally right down to Ashley! After rush, I finished homework and went to bed.

Tuesday-->Classes weren't too bad, although I HATE geology lab. I am sorry but it is frustrating when someone in your group says to you, I am only answering half of the question, I don't care if I miss a point or two. I DO CARE!!!! So I answered it on my own. Other than that everything was great, right up until after dinner. At that point, I randomly lost my voice, well partially it was in and out...I was so squeaky it was kind of funny. Dr. Morris made Megan and Andy bring me home because he said he needs me and my voice for the game this weekend. So I came home and did homework on the couch. Brandi and Jackie brought home fresh, still hot, doughnuts. They were simply amazing! That made my night. When Kymmie got home I watched part of Madagascar with her then I went to bed.

Wednesday-->Still had no voice when I woke up. Well, I went to the library and printed some things for my MUS 104 class. Well I got to class and Prof. Shadle made me do my listening map presentation with no voice. Yeah, I understand that I had to do it, but it was obvious I had it done, and I COULDN'T TALK!!!! *Sigh* If I get points off for anything like that I will be angry. But anyways, then I went to my CMM 111 class and sat through five speeches, none of which really kept my attention all that well. Lunch was fine, afterwards Annie interviewed me. That girl is on top of things! Haha! Social psychology was okay, boring like usual though. Scuba was good. Got to go to the deepest part of the pool (12 feet) so that was fun. I get to go on the trip to Florida and get certified too, so that is awesome! I am excited. I really didn't want to go to the basketball game but really had no choice, but on the bright side, WE WON!!! Yay!! Came home and finished work and was in bed early.

Today-->Went to the Bombeck Center this morning. My kids, while I don't wan t to teach two year olds are adorable and so much fun. After it, I came home and relaxed a bit then went to class. Well, after my 1:30 I went to my 3:00 and found out, after walking ten minutes out of my way that it was cancelled. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, except it was raining and the milk I had at lunch didn't settle well and I felt like crap....by the time I got home I had been walking in the rain for 20-25 minutes. Needless to say, I was soaked. Well, at least I got an hour to relax before concert band. After concert band I ate dinner and came home for 30 minutes and then went to Hands in Harmony. We learned our first song tonight so that was exciting! ("Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" from 50 First Dates) Now I need to pack and stuff for the Charlotte trip this weekend, we leave at 6am tomorrow!

Well that is all for now! Next update, maybe during the trip? That will depend on what I get myself into......or maybe I will just wait until after! =)
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