Today is the last day of the
Insanity workout program. The last day consists of doing the last Fit Test. Today's Fit Test was a mixed bag. I exceeded some marks on a few routines, on others I I did worse. And there were some where I did just about the same. Definitely a mixed bag. Onto the results.
But first, let's go look at my previous Fit Test results.
Day 1 resultsSwitch Kicks: 55
Power Jacks: 45
Power Knees: 66
Power Jumps: 25
Globe Jumps: 7
Suicide Jumps: 10
Push-up Jacks: 23
Low Plank Oblique: 40
Day 15 resultsSwitch Kicks: 63
Power Jacks: 44
Power Knees: 84
Power Jumps: 30
Globe Jumps: 9
Suicide Jumps: 12
Push-up Jacks: 28
Low Plank Obliquies: 50
Day 36 resultsSwitch Kicks: 70
Power Jacks: 49
Power Knees: 90
Power Jumps: 32
Globe Jumps: 10
Suicide Jumps: 14
Push-Up Jacks: 30
Low Plank Oblique: 66
Day 51 resultsSwitch Kicks: 67
Power Jacks: 52
Power Knees: 95
Power Jumps: 40
Globe Jumps: 11
Suicide Jumps: 16
Push-Up Jacks: 34
Low Plank Oblique: 70
Day 64 results
Switch Kicks: 60
Power Jacks: 55
Power Knees: 100
Power Jumps: 35
Globe Jumps: 11
Suicide Jumps: 18
Push-Up Jacks: 33
Low Plank Obliques: 92
So, as you can see, my Switch Kicks went way down. I actually did lose count on this workout twice. The first time was right in the beginning so I had to restart it, the second time was towards the end. I was actually doing this workout a lot better this time around. I finally got the hang of the breathing rhythm of this exercise. I was very disappointed in this result.
I slightly increased my Power Jacks. The increased results seem to be consistent with my previous attempts.
My Power Knees also increased slightly, but this workout had the biggest jump from my first attempt. This really showed how much my Cardio increased during the program. I remember being completely gassed doing the 66 Power Knees of day 1.
My Power Jumps decreased slightly this time around. It was still better than my third fit test, but the drop was a little drastic from my last attempt. However, my knees had been bothering me the last two weeks, so this was the one workout that really had me worried. I really wasn't too worried about trying to match my previous result this time around. I was more concerned about doing this workout safely and correctly. With that being said, I wasn't too disappointed with this result. I was able to do a good amount of Power Jumps and I was able to do them safely.
The Globe Jumps didn't get better at all. In fact, I've barely improved on this routine, going from 7 to 9 to 10 to 11 and staying at 11. I think what kills me with Globe Jumps is that it is right after Power Jumps, which happens to be the most intense routine in the Fit Test. I'm still catching my breath in the middle of the Globe Jumps.
The Suicide Jumps results showed similar gains as the Globe Jumps. I went from 10 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18. That shows very consistent increases, but really not a whole lot compared to the other routines. I'm glad I almost doubled my results from the first attempt, but I always felt like I could have done this routine better.
My Push-Up Jacks went down one, which really disappointed me. I was really hoping to do this one better. I felt like I have been performing better with my push-up routines all week. I might need to focus more on my upper body endurance in the future.
By far, my biggest jump was with the Low Plank Obliques. I recorded a massive jump of 52 reps from day 1 to the last day. I was really surprised by this number. I guess all of the core work really paid off.
Now, I'm free from Insanity and the daily updates on the workout program. I'll do a final write up on the program tomorrow. I just wanted to give a big thanks to anyone reading this. My tens of readers helped to keep me accountable in doing this program every day. Without that accountability, I may have given up in week 3, or after I got sick during month 2. I hope everyone had fun reading this blog.
64 days down, and no more Insanity to go.