Albrecht Dürer. Апокалипсис и религиозные сюжеты

Aug 03, 2017 10:48

В одной из церквей Оснобрюка были выставлены гравюры Дюрера.
В очередной раз поразилась гармоничному слиянию готики с маньеризмом в Германии.
И где тут ренессанс? Разве что в архитектуре немного....

Не стала выкладывать свои фото - здесь они лучше и их больше. Разве что первую - в подтверждение, что я их видела "живьем". :-)

Оригинал взят у marinni в Albrecht Dürer .Часть 2.

St Michael fighting the Dragon


Four angels holding back the winds, and the marking of the elect; angels armed with swords hold back the winds on the left on the right an angel marks the foreheads of a group of figures, and Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts c.1497-8

The opening of the fifth and sixth seals; above, an angel dispenses white robes to the martyrs, and underneath, a shower of flaming stars falls on the innocent on the left and the guilty on the right, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse; four horsemen representing death, famine, war and conquest, ride from left to right over various people, in the left lower corner Hell devours a ruler wearing a bishop's mitre combined with an emperor's crown, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1497-8

The beast with the lamb's horns and the beast with seven heads; above, Christ enthroned with a crown and a sickle, and Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1496-7

The four angels of Death; above, God in Heaven is holding two trumpets, in the foreground the four angels are attacking with their swords a knight, pope, and ordinary people, and German letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1498 German edition of a series of 15 woodcuts c.1496-8

The opening of the seventh seal and the eagle crying 'Woe'; in Heaven God is distributing trumpets to seven angels, underneath a crying eagle is flying towards earth, which is in chaos, and Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1496-7

The Whore of Babylon; clothed in a Venetian costume and holding a cup aloft, she is mounted on a beast with seven heads, the destruction of Babylon in the background, with no text on the verso. c. 1496-7

The angel with the key of the bottomless pit; in the foreground the angel chains Satan in the bottomless pit, in the background an angel shows St John a town representing the New Jerusalem. One impression without text from a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1497-8

St Michael fighting the Dragon; assisted by three angels, below a peaceful contemporary landscape, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1498 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts.

The hymn in adoration of the lamb; in Heaven a lamb within a bright sun-like circle, below a multitude of people holding palms and adoring the lamb; in the foreground St John converses with one of the Elders, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. From the 1498 Latin edition. c.1496-7

St John kneeling before Christ and the twenty-four elders; underneath, a landscape with a water-mill, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1498 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1496

St John's vision of the seven candlesticks; in the centre God sits on a rainbow in Heaven, holding in his right hand seven stars, a sword issues from his mouth, in the lower left corner St John kneeling, and with Latin text in letterpress on the verso. One of 15 illustrations of the Latin 1498 edition. c.1496-8

St John eating the book; handed to him by an angel clothed in clouds, with a rainbow on his head and columns for legs, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. From the 1498 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. c.1498

The beast with the lamb's horns and the beast with seven heads; above, Christ enthroned with a crown and a sickle, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. From the 1498 Latin edition. c.1496-7

The martyrdom of St John; with the saint being tortured in a vat of boiling oil on the right and the Roman emperor Domitian sitting on his throne on the left and German text in letterpress on the verso. One impression from the 1498 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts. 1496-7

St John kneeling before Christ and the twenty-four elders; underneath, a landscape with a water-mill, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts; c.1496

The hymn in adoration of the lamb; in Heaven a lamb within a bright sun-like circle, below a multitude of people holding palms and adoring the lamb; in the foreground St John converses with one of the Elders, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. From the 1511 Latin edition. c.1496-7

The woman of the Apocalypse and the seven-headed dragon; the winged woman stands on the left on a crescent, adorned with twelve stars, and above, God receives her new-born child, with Latin letterpress text on the verso. One impression from the 1511 Latin edition of a series of 15 woodcuts; c.1497

The Virgin appearing to St John; St John with an eagle to his right, a book on his knees, and an inkwell and quill-case to his left; on the right the Virgin, wears a crown of stars and holds the infant Christ, with two lines title inscription and Latin letterpress on verso. Title-page to the 1511 edition. c.1511

Reversed copy of a detail of a title-page woodcut from the series Apocalypse of c.1511, showing the Virgin, wearing a crown of stars and holding the infant Christ, both on a crescent moon. 1514

---------------Религиозные сюжеты--------------

The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand Christians, in the background soldiers chase prisoners over a cliff edge, in the middleground the torture of a group of prisoners tied to a tree, surrounded by body parts, in the right foreground a bishop is drilled into his right eye, on the left a group a people onlooking. c.1496-7


Unique proof of the title-page of a series of 37 woodcuts; Christ as the Man of Sorrows, sitting on a stone slab and resting his head on his right arm; above two lines of Gothic inscription cut in the block. c.1511

Trimmed illustration of a broadside on six Austrian patron saints; a row of standing saints, from left to right, St Quirinus, St Maximilian, St Florian holding a flag and shield with the emblem of the Order of St George, St Severinus holding the Bible open to John 1:1, St Coloman, and St Leopold. 1515

Fragment of a broadside on six Austrian patron saints; right half of the woodcut with three standing saints, named underneath within a tablet, from left to right, St Severinus holding the Bible open to John 1:1, St Coloman, and St Leopold. 1515

Title-page of the series of 20 woodcuts, without title and text, Virgin Mary with Child seated on a pillow on a crescent moon. c.1511

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is half-kneeling to the right, reaching down to a cellar-like entrance to Hell; on the left Adam is holding the cross. 1510

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Jacob Matham
Large procession to Calvary; a crowded and complex figure composition with a combination of Passion scenes, including the Scoffing, Flagellation and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the procession with Christ carrying the cross takes place in the distance with soldiers filing out of a city gate across a bridge; in the middle is the Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene lamenting at the foot of the cross and the cross with the thief, at right, in the process of being raised; after Dürer. 1615

---------------Large Passion-----------------

Title-page illustration of a series of twelve woodcuts; half surrounded by clouds, the wounded Christ sitting as the man of sorrows on a stone bench, on the ground the instruments of the Passion; a man kneeling in front of Christ offering him a tree branch. c.1511

Large Passion
One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is standing in the centre, tied to a column and being tortured by various people; in the foreground is a dog. c.1497-1500

Large Passion
One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is nailed on the cross, the blood is collected by three angels holding cups. c.1497-1500

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is standing on a raised platform and shown to the people. c.1497-1500

Christ as the Man of Sorrows with hands raised, displaying his wounds, standing next to a wooden pole with hyssop reed surmounted with vineyard sponge on the ground.

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; in the foreground the dead Christ is lying on the ground, supported by St John, lamented by a group of women; the crown of thorns is to His feet; the the left background is the scene of the Crucifixion. c.1497-1500

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; in the centre Christ is standing on a cloud over the closed tomb, blessing with his right hand, holding a banner in his left; next to the tomb are various soldiers asleep. 1510

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is bearing the cross, walking on his knees and one hand, turning his head towards the left to St Veronica, who is holding a cloth; in the right foreground is a dog. c.1497-1500

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; the last supper with Christ sitting at the centre of the table, embracing John; on each side of Christ are seated five apostles; Judas is in the right foreground, shown from behind, in the left foreground is the inn keeper, pouring wine from a jug into a beaker. 1510

Agostino Veneziano (Print made by); Albrecht Dürer (After)

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is on the Mount of Olives, kneeling to the left and raising his hands, facing an angle with a cup; in the foreground are sleeping St Peter, St James and St John; in the right background is the gate to the garden, through which soldiers lead by Judas, who is holding a purse, are entering. c.1497-1500

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is bound and dragged away by soldiers; in the right foreground St Peter is raising his sword to cut off the ear of Malchus, who is lying on the ground. 1510

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Marcantonio
The dead Christ is lying on the ground, supported by St John and lamented by a group of women; the crown of thorns at his feet; at the right background is the scene of the Crucifixion

The last supper, with Christ in the centre and only a chalice on the table, the bread tray, a basket and a jug on the ground. 1523

In a cave, St Jerome sitting in front of a stone desk, reading; on the left a lion. 1512

==============Small Passion===============

The Ascension of Christ, an empty tomb in the centre, surrounded by the apostles and the Virgin looking upwards; in the sky a cloud with Christ's legs visible. Impression from a series of 37 woodcuts. c.1510
В цикле "Small Passion"-37 гравюр, выложить их и остальные постараюсь позже.

Albrecht Dürer.Часть 1.-ТУТ


маньеризм, ренессанс, Германия, готика, =Дюрер, перепост, графика

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