Have you seen this man?
You all wish you were as bad as me.....Anyways that was the highlight
of my spring break, smoking a cigar. Back to Orlando and back to work
and school now, not a lot going on right now though. I began work on my
novel today, I believe the plot I have come up with is brilliant and I
hope to have it done by the end of the year. I dont want to give away
much but I can tell you it involves women and gambling, I guess that
shouldnt come to much of a surprise to people who know me. Why am I
writing a novel you ask? Well for two reasons: 1. I love to write and
2. I figure if I can get something published it will be my early ticket
out of college. Even though the weather sucked and I didnt get to do
anything really exciting I still consider my spring break a success. I
got to hang out with my brother a lot, see my friends, and I finally
swallowed my pride and caught up with a very special old friend. I've
got a very light work schedule this week, maybe I'll get to go test out
my new driver at the driving range. Ben Owens signing out.