new pictures at flickr!

Nov 12, 2006 00:45

some photos from the past month or so :-D

Me and Jocelyn, one of the cutest little babies at our church. If you blow a kiss at her, she will catch it! awwww. :)

Random picture from the Children's Carnival that was held at my church on Halloween. Shelly was Coco Bananas (the character she played for VBS), and Jeremy was a 70's basketball player (short shorts and all)

as my birthday present Katie took me to the Woodland Park Zoo. Thankfully it didn't rain today (yay!) so the animals were out and about for the most part, meaning a more entertaining zoo trip.

Jaguar just woke up (it was about 10 am on a Saturday, after all) so he wasn't in the mood to walk around.

'Twas freezing today. Good for the gorilla to keep herself warm.

Hippos are the most misleading creatures of the jungle. They look so harmless, but in reality they could eat you for breakfast.

I think this is my favorite picture of the bunch. I don't know he the giraffe was supposed to be eating from those trees, but I assumed it wouldn't harm them as the zookeepers probably knew that the giraffes could reach them. His tongue is crazy long and it was so fun watching him stick his tongue out as far as possible to reach the leaves.

The orangutans eating lunch. They are so human-like it's kind of freaky watching them.

The wallaroos are really cute. I want to take one home with me (along with the pygmy marmosets), but I think I might get in trouble.

The penguins were such show-offs, swiming around and doing leaps in the water. Geesh. But I heart them.

I think the best part of the zoo trip was the nocturnal exhibit. I think darkness makes Katie & I kind of weird. I was glad I could spend the morning/early afternoon with Katie.

Then we had cravings for hot dogs so we went to Matt's Hot Dogs on 45th and it was really yummy.

I also went to the A&C craft store for the first time (it's nicely hidden behind Petco where no one can see it), and bought meself some brushes, paint and paintbrush cleaner. Some girls spend a lot of money on makeup, I spend it on paint supplies and books. :P

<3 jen
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