Apr 27, 2005 21:47
It’s been a while since I’ve blessed you, my audience, with my wisdom and for those few weeks in which you’ve been without my supercilious babble I offer my heartfelt apologies.
Anyway the raison d’etre of this post is that I need a place to point to a threat that has been growing in my mind for some time. I am a Republican (in addition to many other things, e.g. incredibly attractive, unbelievably intelligent, and hilarious). When I joined said party it stood for something. Namely, it stood for the proposition that we, as a country, could screw the poor in favor of the rich all while establishing a new world order.
Now, apparently, “traditional” moral values are usurping the rightful place of the Party’s original goals. Every time I turn on what passes for the news in this country I seemed to be faced with some well-dressed, perfectly-groomed, yuppie kook who purports to represent the religious views of the entire country. Said kook believes that it is his or her mission to foist his or her own crazy self-tailored beliefs upon the rest of us kooks who have are own crazy self-tailored beliefs, thank you very much. The logic, as I understand it, from these crazies is that if we do not protect “traditional family values” then the problems currently facing this country (i.e. the economy, terrorism, energy sources, the failure of the George Lucas to produce a new good Star Wars movie, etc.) will pale in comparison to the fate that awaits of us if we do not heed their warning. Gay people will be able to marry each other. Women will have abortions willy-nilly (not even waiting to get pregnant). People will being have sex left and right (as opposed to up and down?).
Contrary to what kooks on the other side of this may have you believe, these “traditional-values” kooks have yet to totally seize control of the Republican Party. After all we don’t have an Amendment “protecting” marriage or outlawing abortion or any other such abridgment of States’ rights (of which I thought we conservatives were big fans). The “Religious Right” seems to be a gaining strength, however, and they already have too much as it is. The point of my tirade is merely that political and economic conservatism is in some danger and not from crazy tree-hugging, pot-smoking, hygienically impaired, commie hippies. If we (political and economic conservatives) do not reaffirm our role in the Republican Party then how can we expect to rule the world while maintaining our wealth at the expense of the poor? Fortunately, as much money as the religious kooks may have, it is my firm conviction that, between the multi-billion dollar corporations and help from the military-industrial complex, the “Religious Right” could easily be a mere road bump on the way to galactic domination…errr…I mean sound economic and political policy.
And now back to your regularly scheduled stupidity…