55 days to go....

Sep 10, 2008 14:56

"We're gonna Fricking lose this Thing" Adam McKay, Huffington Post

Of course "we're" going to lose. Do you think we want to elect a black man & Joe Biden (yawn) to tell us the ugly truth about our government or economy, or a "war hero" and a beauty queen that says whatever she's told to say? "Rah rah rah, USA USA!" ....On the face of it, *I'd* vote for them, if I didn't know they were a pair of flat-earthers trapped in 1949, and that six months after they hit office it would be "business as usual." (Until McCain croaks in office, and Palin declares war on Russia out of some hideous combination of a cold-war reenactments fetish, belief that Reagan's ghost speaks to her, and Alaskan Manifest Destiny)

Disclaimer; I voted for John McCain in 2000's primary election.

We should have seen this coming. "Hit them at their strongest point and crush it; the rest is mop up." is basic Karl Rove & millitary strategy when an attacking from a superior position. Obama's strength was being new & not stained by bad choices over the last decade. They've arguably neutralized that with someone even more clueless, unqualified, and politically virginal.

There is no need for him to lose. If he does, it will be because they've outmanuevered him. But it's looking bad. How did no one see this coming after the whole Swift Boat Vets thing? They took a decorated Vietnam vet and made him look like a traitorous French coward; by the time this is over, they'll take a religious community activist that's newer to politics, and make him seem like an atheist mercenary that's been in office since the great flood. Believe it.

Obama's true position is as underdog, and as soon as he thought he was safe they nailed him. He has to keep hitting McCain & Palin, guerrilla-style, where they are weak. Tie them to Bush & Cheney (never forget to use Cheney; everyone knows how bad he sucks...) nonstop. Point out the laughableness of a 72-year old man being an "agent of change," while dismissing Palin as a teleprompter bimbo that shoots biology teachers from hellicopter, chosen at the last minute by throwing a dart at the Republican "sexy shills" catalog... NEVER stop talking about McCain's support for the war in Iraq, how much that war costs us every second we're there, and how that money could be used for better schools & maybe a job for your unemployed brother-in-law that's been looking for 9 months.

"Keep moving, cut their supply lines, and stir up the locals" are other concepts that should be utilized. Plus some surprise attacks; why is it the Republicans are getting the last word? There's NO excuse for this, we've known the RNC convention went second for months; there should have been something planned to knock them back off page 1, but instead it's more kissing goats in Ohio. ...And for god's sake, go negative; it'll stick, these people are orcs.

Anyone care to lay odds on an October Surprise? Will it happen, or does Bush not actually like McCain enough to bother helping him out? Either way, the Democrats should already be planning one of their own...
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