Title: The Ghost Beneath the Curtain
Prompt: I want Severus and Lily's last conversation/encounter. I'd like for her to tell him something GOOD and that's why he tried to save her. Did she give him false hope? Tell him she would always love him?
Fandom: Snape/Lily, Harry Potter
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Comments 6
It's so hard to imagine that the same little boy that grew up telling Lily all about Hogwarts and Azkaban is the same Snape. He loved her. I think that the love Severus had for Lily was magical.
And so was this story.
The bottle of hellebore being left behind was so telling, D. He couldn't deny her anything. And that came through beautifully. And I love that she gave him just a little bit of hope and human touch before all was said and done. His empty pockets made me ache. Poor Snape. :(
This was absolutely gorgeous.
And I'm feeling mucho love right back at you! :)
Thank you for this!
snape's love for lily really is beautiful and inspiring. i wanted to find a way to subtly capture that with this fic and i'm glad you think i did :)
thanks for the wonderful prompts, for reading, and for the awesome comment! *big hugs*
Oooh, wow. I feel like I can hardly provide commentary on this, it’s so good. You really nail the detail - you’ve got Snape absolutely perfect - and again, so sad to know that they once were friends.
Is there a special significance to the hellebore? /bad nerd
This was so sad and lonely, but so beautifully written.
These two are my newest ship, and I absolutely adored this story.
On this note, would you mind terribly if I added you? I don't know if you plan to write more Severus/Lily or more Laura/Lee, but if you do, I would definitely love to be able to see them on my flist.
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