
Mar 21, 2009 08:49

Now that's the way to end a series - with some frakking incredible storytelling. Ron Moore said he was stressing over how to write the ending to BSG, getting all caught up in the plot, and it wasn't working. Then he had an epiphany: 'It's the characters, stupid.'

Frak yeah )

fanfic, tv, bsg

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Comments 27

rayruz March 21 2009, 13:55:13 UTC
I really enjoyed the spiritual element actually. I've been having a spiritual crisis of my own... and believe it or not this series has actually given me something to hang on to in terms of that. Especially because I so identified with Gaius's rational empiricism at the beginning to watch his evolution... I really, really love him.

I'm still probably never going to come to terms with Roslin... that's just so... UGH! Knife to the heart. And that image of her buried and Adama sitting beside the grave is just... UGH. I'm so floored.

I didn't mind that it was a bit heavy-handed, I was just so thrilled that there was a hopeful ending. I was prepared for pure devastation that anything green and shiny and pretty was enough to make me happy.


ubiquirk March 21 2009, 14:05:53 UTC
I don't mind that it was spiritual, but that they took a verse with a complexly other religion and slowly subverted it into the 'one god with angels' type - which reads too much as Christianity 'winning' the religion war for me. If they'd kept it spiritual and kept the religions all feeling like something other than ours, I think it would have had a stronger message about the 9/11 thing.

You're right - Gaius has a great character arc, one of the most complete.

That image of him by the grave - just ...

I think that if they'd had Gaius say, "Here we go again," and Caprica say, "Maybe," that would have been enough for me. The green of earth had already given the hopeful. I thought the modern ending gave a warning (and yes, they're right that we need it for multiple things).

But all of the main characters were done justice too, and that was lovely to see.


rayruz March 21 2009, 14:09:00 UTC
Really? I didn't pick up on it being a "one god and angels" I got a feeling of "divine forces that it doesn't matter what they are but they are beyond our control."

I dunno. Maybe I need to watch that last scene again, because I was just too awestruck to make much sense of anything.

And yes, all the main characters were done justice... even if there is massive wank about Kara right now... Argh... it's making me really sad to call myself a Kara fan or a Kara/Lee shipper. Everyone's complaining.


ubiquirk March 21 2009, 14:15:26 UTC
It's that they used the specific terms angels and god that does it for me, but I do like Gaius's line that that's not really what it is.

Ahh - I am worried. Both human women who were in relationships 'killed' off - only cylon women get to go on. It served the story, but the subtext is disturbing.


whitemunin March 21 2009, 14:57:13 UTC
Watched it last night and loved it. I had a few quibbles but overall was really blown away by how well they tied together all the loose ends. Making Hera the mitochondrial Eve was brilliant ( ... )


ubiquirk March 21 2009, 15:14:53 UTC
You're right - Galen. How I ache for him. I must admit Tory is one character I never liked.

I love how Tigh is anti-cylon even while being one. I really came to love him.

Laura's ending was excellent.

I like Starbuck's arc, even as I don't like that they used the word angel because of the freight it carries.

I personally think they should have stopped with the report finding Hera's bones. The rest seemed a little tacked on

I'm glad it wasn't just me. But as you say, there was so much good, this ends up feeling minor.


laiksmarei March 22 2009, 19:02:18 UTC
Best. Episode. Eva. Many, many times did I clutch my throat, become misty or have a sharp intake of breath.

4. If they wanted to really work the missing link thingy, they should have had the primitives on earth be more like a neanderthal instead of so tall and gangly.

I agree. I think their representation missed the mark somewhat. It would have made more sense to mimic the neanderthal gait.

All I want to do is weep that such an amazing show has come to an end. I shall have to sustain myself with my own BSG rewatch festival until 'The Plan' airs in the fall. Oh, why must all the good shows leave us!! ::wails::


ubiquirk March 24 2009, 22:21:51 UTC
4. If they wanted to really work the missing link thingy, they should have had the primitives on earth be more like a neanderthal instead of so tall and gangly.

I guess it's that I don't know what they were getting at with having exact-DNA-match humans already here - it didn't really use the gap in the fossil record to best advantage.

It was so very amazing. I want the complete boxset to come out now - now!


ozma914 March 24 2009, 05:36:58 UTC
I agree that they laid it on a little too thick at the very end, but I'm such a sucker for happy endings that, after hearing for months that we wouldn't get one -- I was too relieved to quibble very much.


ubiquirk March 24 2009, 22:24:17 UTC
I did like the fairly happy ending for everyone when they got to Earth. I can even take the pastoral. The last 5 min are a quibble, I recognize, because this was one of the best series ever.

I hadn't heard anything about the ending and wasn't sure what to expect. Still great overall.


ozma914 March 25 2009, 06:07:51 UTC
I kept hearing over and over, including from some official sources, that people weren't likely to be happy with the ending and that it would be a downer -- there werer questions whether any of the major characters would survive at all. You can imagine my relief!


ubiquirk March 26 2009, 22:02:09 UTC
I bet that was a relief. I wonder if they spread false rumors to allay any spoilers that got out?


rose_griffes March 25 2009, 02:22:34 UTC
1. I wanted a bit of closure for Leoben and Starbuck - not sexual, but something. He had been such an important part of her journey (and underscored once again that it takes both humans and cylons) that I felt it needed something more.

Me tooooo! I wanted more. Even just more about the Twos mixing in with the human population in general. (Leoben POV is how I started this whole fanfic thing, so he's rather dear to me in all his weird, badly-dressed glory.)

BSG is my first online fandom--thanks to TWoP, which led to discovering fanfic two and a half years ago, which in turn led to livejournal. I'm going to miss having the show and having regular online discussions about what everything means.


ubiquirk March 26 2009, 22:03:46 UTC
I can see how BSG would be an interesting enough fandom to get involved with all of this through. For me it was Buffy, but I'm so glad to have added BSG to my list of fascinations.

Have you been watching Dollhouse? It seems to finally be getting good.


rose_griffes March 27 2009, 02:57:34 UTC
I've peeked at Buffy fandom since starting the whole online show thing... it's SO BIG, even now.

Haven't seen Dollhouse yet. The premise was iffy enough for me that I figured I'd wait and see. (Just because it's Joss Whedon doesn't mean I feel compelled to watch. Though it does mean I'm more likely to try it eventually.)


ubiquirk March 28 2009, 13:10:24 UTC
Yep, Buffy is huge, though slowing down.

Dollhouse has kicked it these last 2 eps, and next week looks like it'll be great as well. (And Helo is shirtless a lot.)


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