But these years keep coming like waves, they wash over me day after day.

Jun 26, 2009 12:21

I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Jackson’s music so his passing didn’t hit me as hard as many of my peers. On the other hand I’m going to avoid going over his negatives the next few days. I have never felt comfortable trashing the recently dead. In the past few years I’ve seen it done with Steve Irwin, George Carlin, Anna Nicole Smith, Ronald Regan, Tim Russert, Michael Crighton, Heath Ledger, Bernie Mac and several people I actually knew.

To me its preferable to wait at least a week before I start sniping at the deceased. It just feels rude to do otherwise, although this sentiment doesn’t seem popular. Time is a luxury I have that they don’t after all and everyone has family.

I will say that it seems a little ironic that Michael Jackson, a man who has diminished in public opinion since his career peaked, died the same day that Farah Fawcett did. A woman who grew into something greater then her career before she died. But the beat goes on....

My wife yesterday suggested we retire abroad instead of in the southern part of the country as originally planned. Its extremely unlikely we will do so, however I was struck by how much her perspective has changed since we began seeing one another. Years ago she would have never thought of living outside of the United States.

Tonight I’m driving 5 to 6 hours to Wilson, North Carolina with 4 children. Our youngest ( 7 weeks now.) hates her car seat and begins screaming as soon as she's placed in it. Its going to be a looooooonnnng drive.

I am very concerned with the long term ramifications of the Cap & Trade Bill up before a house vote today. The goals are noble, the bill is rubbish and will negatively impact our standard of living. The amount of unrelated pork they have added to the bill in an attempt to buy votes is staggering. Its grown 201 pages since yesterday! Take it back to the drawing board please.

This years season of Rescue Me seems to be running hot & cold. I’m not sure what to make of it.

Oh, I almost forgot to comment on South Carolina's Governor Mark Sanford. While his mid-life crisis drivenantics are partially chuckle-worthy ( Outside of the awful thing he has done to his family, who I pity.) I'm afraid that if he used public money to fund them he has to do some jail time or at the very least pay it back and be thrown out of office.

news, icons, tv, k*, philosophy, family, alanna, politics

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