The Effects of a Potter Release

Jun 22, 2003 21:13

Yesterday I may have been the one soul to wander into the Border’s in York that WASN’T looking to buy the new Harry Potter book. Work is on me to relearn PERL, so I picked up a book on it. Like HTML, Spanish, German, Pascal and Lord knows what else I data dumped everything I knew about PERL years ago, as soon as I stopped using it. Yep, CRS = Can’t Remember Shit and I have the condition in abundance. I won’t be too critical over the people that just ‘had’ to have the book yesterday, I have been guilty of buying into hype myself over the past few years, sitting in line for 15 minutes was annoying though.

I also bought the novel, “ Game of Thrones” by George R. Martin, I am halfway through it now and have to say I am a little disappointed. The scope and weaving of the storyline is fantastic, however the main plot remains predictable.
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