Are men really driven solely by lust?

Jun 22, 2003 18:37

It appears that many really believe this, including some men. I visited Pat L. last night, we were going to have a quiet night of shooting pool and catching up on our respective lives. When I walked in the door an attractive and very drunk woman was in his living room, slurring through her words. Pat had run into her at 8:00 a.m. in a local grocery store parking lot and found her drinking Jack Daniels, while sitting in her car crying. The story was that her boyfriend had gotten a restraining order against her, for breaking his nose and then thrown her out when she woke up yesterday. Pat only thinking of finding a pretty woman, in tight shorts, told her he could stay at his house last night until she found a place to stay…...…Arrrrghhhhh!!!

In the first five minutes I spoke to her I discovered she had three DWI’s and had been to jail 4 times for assault. 4 times!! She then went on to hit on me, hard and the by-now-panicked Pat thought he saw a way out. He tried to talk me into taking her home! We even debated it when she wasn’t around. He tried to make me feel guilty about leaving him stuck with her. I laughed, told him I did feel sorry for him, but I wasn’t going to even let a violent psychotic know where I lived let alone invite her into my home. I suggested, he get her to his guest bedroom as soon as possible and then start calling her family the next day to get her a place to stay.

It wasn’t that bad of a drama, over all, more then anything else, I am still dumbfounded that a grown man, one that I know, would think with his penis instead of using common sense. Hopefully, she’ll leave without doing any damage and he will have learned a valuable lesson. Somehow, I doubt he will.

friends, weird

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