Jul 08, 2015 02:27
I got blocked by someone on Facebook today whom I've been acquainted with for several years. This is the third "friend" I've lost in about two weeks. All have been people I've been acquainted with for a long time. Overall, I've lost a lot of people in the last few months. It takes seconds for friendships to end there. Someone you've never had a single disagreement with can and will erase you from their life because you disagreed with them about a news article. Hell, I had one friendship dissolve because my friend said I was "triggering" her by posting a video clip from Futurama!
That doesn't seem right.
LJ was never a drama-free place. A lot of silly shit went down here and I've been a part of a lot of silly shit. But at its worst it was never like it is now. The "easier" we make human communication, the harder it becomes.
We are social creatures, but we're terrible at it.