"We should have fucking shotguns." REDUX

Jul 28, 2012 02:26

After the week it's been at work I fear to see what the weekend will bring.

In my last entry I talked about Mr. Conceal & Carry, the Neo-Nazi, and the false alarm child abduction. Last night I saw a customer lose his shit at the lady in sporting goods because she was following store policy and insisting that he pay for an expensive item that's kept locked up at the sporting goods counter because that's how we do it. He was already mad because she was "rude" to him but not dropping what she was doing with the customers she was already helping to go and help him when he and his brood showed up. How bad did he lose his shit? Put it to you this way, the customers she was already helping insisted on staying around until the manager showed up to make sure he didn't try anything and I was standing around the corner in the tool aisle where he couldn't see me with a hammer in my hand, ready to go.

But that's not the mother load, oh no. Today, today was the mother load because we had a fucking BOMB THREAT. And not just us. One other store in Kansas City and three other stores around Missouri all got bomb threats at the same time. I spent the last hour of my shift standing around outside, which honestly wasn't bad getting paid to sit in the shade and all. But... we were not prepared.

Most of us left through the back door. By then word was already going around that it was a bomb threat. So what does the ENTIRE staff do? They stand in the alley directly behind the building. I pointed out in a loud voice that if the place was going to blow then I was going to stand slightly farther away from it. It was like you could see the light bulbs come on over peoples' heads and the began to file away with me. Then one of the managers told us to move toward the parking lot of the store next door. I didn't fuck around, I got in my car and drove it to that parking lot. Good thing too because about five minutes later everyone who didn't was fucked in terms of leaving. The police came and barricaded all the parking lot entrances which meant no one was getting in their car and leaving.

Then there were the people who left their phones and keys and everything inside the building. I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you would not carry these articles on your person at all times. In this day and age there is no good reason not to. I got to go home when my shift would have normally ended and I was the only one that I know of who could. Everyone else getting off at that time had keys they couldn't get to in order to operate cars that couldn't leave.

I don't know what time it all ended but I do know it went on for several hours. If only there had been one determined citizen in the store with a conceal & carry permit. They might have been able to stop it.    

work, we_should_have_fucking_shotguns, hell_is_coming

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