(no subject)

Mar 17, 2005 19:56


My name is Allison H. Steiner

I don't like depressing movies, songs, or poems
I really don't like Bush or Cheney
Not real fond of Kerry either
I don't like 80's clothing, neon clothing, or dark clothing
I don't like fanatic religious people

On the flipside,

I like winter, summer, spring, and fall
I definitely like orchestra
I love physics, even though physics 1 is a joke
I really love the honors chemistry program, even though I kind of suck at it
I really do have pretty eyes, though most people do

I love my dog, too.

and my friends.

and my boyfriend, who is sometimes an ass.

but that's okay, because I am quite irritable myself.

This entry really had no point, except to fill up my journal. As the lone entry.

This journal really doesn't have a point, except to allow me to read the friends only entries of my friends

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